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Automotive Soap?

Grumpy Girl

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I've looked everywhere, tried the search and can't seem to find anything on making automotive soap (hand cleaner). Maybe I'm not searching for the right thing. DH requested some in bar form for the shop, but I'm having a heck of a time finding what is in the stuff. Can anyone tell me what it's officially called so I can read up on it and compile a recipe for CP?


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from MMS catalog:

INCI = Fuller's Earth

This a great multifunctional additive. This powder like material is superb at combatting grease and dirt. Add a tablespoon per pound of fat to your favorite cold process soap recipe to create a great soap with abundant hand cleaning power. Take a bar to your mechanic next time your car needs some work, he might just give you a deal. Enjoy!

Saw this when I was ordering, not sure if it helps you. I've never used it but I'm thinking about ordering some and trying it.


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