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CB Advance

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Hi! everybody a friend of mine give me 30 pounds of this wax

Nature wax by Cargill the thing is I don't know nothing about this wax and I am already using CB advance did anybody ever mix the CB with the Nature by Cargill and what are your thoughts about it :confused:

And is this the wax you call C3

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I have used the Nature Wax and found that it flaked up quite a bit and although CB Advance has great qualities in terms of adhering to the glass containers and smooth creamy appearance it does not have very good scent throw at all IMO.

I would agree with the other person by mixing the wax to see what you come up with. I mixed two of the waxes I used in my business and surprisingly I had GREAT results.


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I just got my order of C-3 wax in. I had been using CB Advance, and just could not get the HT I wanted. So I mixed the two 50%-50% with only 1oz of Fo per pound of wax. The smell was so strong. I'm just so happy that I have finally got the CT and HT I was looking for. If I were to only use 1oz of Fo per pound with the CB alone it would not have hardly smelled at all. :yay: :yay:

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I just got my order of C-3 wax in. I had been using CB Advance, and just could not get the HT I wanted. So I mixed the two 50%-50% with only 1oz of Fo per pound of wax. The smell was so strong. I'm just so happy that I have finally got the CT and HT I was looking for. If I were to only use 1oz of Fo per pound with the CB alone it would not have hardly smelled at all. :yay: :yay:

Hi! charmcandleco how long have you been doing the CB advance with no mixing

and when you mix the C3 with the CB advance did you mix anything else with it, and what type of wick you are using I hope you don't mine me asking all this questions, I like to know but before I start mixing and testing

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Hi! charmcandleco how long have you been doing the CB advance with no mixing

and when you mix the C3 with the CB advance did you mix anything else with it, and what type of wick you are using I hope you don't mine me asking all this questions, I like to know but before I start mixing and testing

I have been using the CB advance for about four months. Some scents have Ok HT but most don't. So I did some research and decided to use C-3. But I still had about 9 pounds of the CB advance left so I tried mixing the two waxes together. With out anything else but a UV stabilizer. I sold two yesterday with the love spell Fo and the customer loved it. Even her husband liked the smell. The CT was awesome as well as the HT. The type of wicks I use are wood wicks. I have not really tried any other type of wicks. I just really love the wood wicks. But good luck because I know how crazy it can get testing.

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I have been using the CB advance for about four months. Some scents have Ok HT but most don't. So I did some research and decided to use C-3. But I still had about 9 pounds of the CB advance left so I tried mixing the two waxes together. With out anything else but a UV stabilizer. I sold two yesterday with the love spell Fo and the customer loved it. Even her husband liked the smell. The CT was awesome as well as the HT. The type of wicks I use are wood wicks. I have not really tried any other type of wicks. I just really love the wood wicks. But good luck because I know how crazy it can get testing.

Thanks for the reply I thing I am going to try them both :yay:

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charmcandleco how long did you let your 50/50 mix cure? I poured 1 lb - 1/2 CBA & 1/2 C-3 yesterday and added 1 tsp coconut oil and 1&1/2 oz Berry Creme Brulee from MC. The candles are perfect looking, perfect look of the CBA and throw of the C-3. The extra left over poured in tarts and they have a very strong cold throw. Might just be what I have been looking for.

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grama did you only use palm oil, dint you use any UV stabilizer and what size or type of jar you are using I am using the 10 oz apothecary with HTP

Wick and I am having problems with the trhrow I think I am going to try it today 50/50 mix

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Sherry I used coconut oil, not palm oil. I used the round 10oz tumbler with a CD14 wick and the little square cube that holds about 5-6 oz and used a CD12. Don't know about the wicks as I was only guessing on those. I heated to 185 added oil and poured at approx 160, still just guessing on that.When I had tried each wax separately in the past in the tumbler that is the wick I used and it burned good. I don't know how long they will need to cure though so I might try testing 1 after 48 hrs and see how it does. I know with the CBA they said you could test after 48 hrs, though the C-3 may need longer. Maybe someone can answer that for us.

Forgot, no UV stabilizer. Just checked them and they look perfect, no wet spots, no frosting, no pulling away from jar, just perfect!! This is after maybe 30 hr. When they had cooled I put the clear adhesive things I got from Taylor Concept on them and I can smell the scent on the tumbler through it.

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charmcandleco how long did you let your 50/50 mix cure? I poured 1 lb - 1/2 CBA & 1/2 C-3 yesterday and added 1 tsp coconut oil and 1&1/2 oz Berry Creme Brulee from MC. The candles are perfect looking, perfect look of the CBA and throw of the C-3. The extra left over poured in tarts and they have a very strong cold throw. Might just be what I have been looking for.

My first batch Only cured for 24 hours. Mine had a great finished look as well. Just my opinion but they looked better finished with the 50/50 mix than just the CBA by itself. I noticed that the c-3 is a little harder wax than the CBA. Which I think helps the CBA out. I use to get sink holes just about every time I poured the CBA. But so far I haven't got any sink holes with the 50/50. Just very pretty smooth tops.

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grama please can you let me how they test burn I am really interested to know how they turn out with just the coconut oil and nothing else like usa UV stabilizer and charmcandleco are you steel using the same 50/50 wax

with only UV stabilizer you guys sorry about all this questions :)


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Decided to go ahead & post pictures. I think the burn looks good, the scent throw amazed me since I normally can't smell. Of course this is in a small bathroom but it's a small candle also. Also picture of the 10oz tumbler and top of it. This is going to be my mix and everything. Now to get scents tested in it. The scent of these is Berry Creme Brulee from MC. This is after approx 1-1&1/2 hrs or so.

Well just checked and the burn is almost to the corners and flame is still good. I used a CD12 in this.





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I'm glad they turned out so good. I'm thinking about trying more traditional wicks. I really love the wood wick but they are eating up the wax. No matter what size I use. They just don't last long enough. Grama does the coconut oil help with hardening the wax some? Just wondering because I went to take some candles to a lady today and they just about started to liquefy in the car with the air on. It was like a 30 min. drive.

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charmcandleco I think it probably does. These seem to be firm if that is the way to put it enough but still had a little creamy feel to it. Guess that is how you would describe them. I am really pleased with this mix. I may try either cuttiing back to 1 & 1/4 oz pp or either using a cd10 wick. The flame after burning probably about 3 hrs, not good at keeping up with the time I get busy and forget to check it, was a little higher though not necessarily bigger than I like. The melt pool still seemed to be good so got to work on the wicking a little more. Will burn the 10oz tumbler with 14cd tomorrow and see how it does. It is still looking great in the tumbler, no wet spots, frosting, just perfect. Now if it will just burn and throw perfect!

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Burning the tumbler now and I think I can wick down to maybe a CD12 in it and CD10 in the little square cube container. Scent throw still very good the best I can tell. Surprised me about the wicking though. When I made the 2 waxes separately in the tumbler I used a 14 and they burned good but with it mixed flame seems higher than I want. Will try wicking down in both and see how they do with same scent and same everything else.

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