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Salt Bar

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I just found a recipe for salt bars I have been dying to try.. (I did a search for Salt bars.. found the answer to some of my Q's none of them answered this specific Q so I started a new thread- hope thats OK!)

recipe I found... 80% coconut, 15% Avocado, 5% castor.. and suggests using as much Sea salt as oils. It also suggests a 15% discount on lye and 20% discount on water.

but I have a question I am hoping one of you could answer for me if you dont mind... I have never made HP soap, always CP...

SO-both the recipe I found and another post on here mentioned putting them in the oven after pour.. is that step required for salt bars or just a way to speed up SAP? The recipe I found uses a standard wood mold, and suggests setting them in a preheated oven (it does not say what to preheat to!) and turning OFF oven, letting them sit for 2 hours, then cutting while warm.

Is it required they go into an oven after pour? If so... why? I learned CP soap making from my grandma and I have no experience with HP.. or if this even is HP.

It doesnt suggest a curing time but with the recipe I found being mostly coconut I assumed at least a 6 week curing time. any guidance would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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I just found a recipe for salt bars I have been dying to try.. (I did a search for Salt bars.. found the answer to some of my Q's none of them answered this specific Q so I started a new thread- hope thats OK!)

recipe I found... 80% coconut, 15% Avocado, 5% castor.. and suggests using as much Sea salt as oils. It also suggests a 15% discount on lye and 20% discount on water.

but I have a question I am hoping one of you could answer for me if you dont mind... I have never made HP soap, always CP...

SO-both the recipe I found and another post on here mentioned putting them in the oven after pour.. is that step required for salt bars or just a way to speed up SAP? The recipe I found uses a standard wood mold, and suggests setting them in a preheated oven (it does not say what to preheat to!) and turning OFF oven, letting them sit for 2 hours, then cutting while warm.

Is it required they go into an oven after pour? If so... why? I learned CP soap making from my grandma and I have no experience with HP.. or if this even is HP.

It doesnt suggest a curing time but with the recipe I found being mostly coconut I assumed at least a 6 week curing time. any guidance would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

You don't have to put the soap in the oven but if you do, it will speed up the time to unmold and cut (if you need to cut it). Just make your soap like CP, but put the mold in the oven. Turn the oven on warm or the lowest temp, let it preheat to that setting, put the mold in, turn the oven off, and leave the mold in the oven while it cools down. Once the soap is set up enough, unmold. I can make and unmold my salt bars all in the same day, in a matter of hours. If you have to cut the bars, cut them right away, as soon as you unmold. If you don't, it will be very difficult to cut. I use a mold that makes individual bars so I don't have to cut. Cure the soap as you would any other CP bar.

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Hi LuminousBoutique I hope this helps. I set my oven at 170, I make my salt bars using the cp method with no problem. While I am making the soap batter. I warm my wooden mold in the oven. After the soap is in the mold I place the mold back in the oven for about an hour or so, some turn the oven off and just let the soap sit in the warm oven I leave the oven on until I take the soap out. As soon as the soap is cool enought to handle I cut it into bars. If you let the soap cool down completely you will not beable to cut it. If you do not want to use the oven method (cpop method) you can pour the soap into molds that you use for melt & pour soap. If you use the cpop method you need to have one of the molds on hand because you will end up with more batter than your mold can hold. I never resized my recepie because i use the leftovers for myself. The soap that is in the smaller molds I just let them cure at room temp. They are just as good as the other soap the colors just arent as deep as the soap that went into the oven. I think it is because it don't go through the gel stage. Good luck!:cheesy2:

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