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I just wanted to THANK EVERYONE.....


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who helped me take the first plunge back in April.......... I am now certifiably ADDICTED !!!!!

I get withdrawals when I can't make some soap every couple of weeks and now I have another excuse to keep making soap for the next few weeks as I am going back to Malaysia to see my family in September and of course I have to have something handmade to take back for everyone...... :rolleyes2

So THANK YOU for helping me take the plunge and I am still learning heaps from everyone here and there are soooooo MANY great recipes on the board I am just starting to try out........ so far it has been an adventure in gaining confidence with the Lye solution and LOTS of healthy respect for the process.

:yay::yay::yay::yay: addicted to soaping............. !!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL - you are SO RIGHT!!!! I am not even making soap for sale, just for myself, family and friends and my 'soapy purchases' have already hit the 4digit mark! Ssssshhhhhhhh - don't tell BF.......... !!!

I made him some shaving soap ALL for him to use (so he shouldn't complain) and his family are enjoying the 'fruits of my new love'....... so..... it could be a long term addiction here!

I am loving, loving, loving it tho and so are my 'testers'......... !!!!!


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