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Greetings all,

after reading a lot on the forum, I have purchased the CB 135 ecosoya and the IGI 4630 to blend 50/50.

Tell me...It was recommended to me to us vybar for a better throw. Should i use vybar when mixing the ecosoya & paraffin 50/50??

What temp do I add my scent with this mix. And what temp. do I pour with this mix?

Thanks in advance for all the help.


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I have only used vybar when the fragrance oil was heavy and needed help getting it to blend with the melted wax.

I would just check the wax type guidelines for temps and go from there, since your mixing them. You can try a couple different temps, but for adding the fo I would say at least 170.

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Vybar will not increase scent throw in any wax...and for that matter no additive will increase it. Vybar is a paraffin additive designed to allow for a higher fragrance load in a straight paraffin wax. Vybar also prevents mottle again in paraffins. The two waxes you have do not require additional additives. You will not need vybar.

Straight paraffin waxes benefit from vybar as the average fo load a paraffin with no additives can hold is only about 3%. By adding the vybar and other binding additives you can get it to retain closer to 9%. You can add in a few grains of vybar per lb of wax in a paraffin blend for tough blending scents or just slightly decrease the scent amount. Blended waxes already in most cases contain vybar or a similar binding additive. Adding too much can work against you by totally locking up the scent in the candle.

For the best scent throw you need to look at several things. First and foremost does your wax work well with your particular scent. The only way to know this is by trial and error testing. Some scents do better in some waxes than others. Wicking is also vital since scent comes from melted wax. If you are not getting a full melt pool with a depth of between 1/4-1/2" (max of 1/2") your scent throw will not be at it's full potential. Curing! Curing is SO much more important than people realize. With a paraffin candle you should cure a minimum of 24 hours before burning and with soy a minimum of 48 hours. Some scents however can take two full weeks to fully reach their potential.

I know, more info than asked for but it all sort of ties in together. :) Hope this helps ya out!

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