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making potpourri


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I thought I had posted this last week but can not seem to find it. Can somebody please tell me how to go about making good homemade potpourri. I have tried reading up on it but get confused as to what they are saying to do. I need step by step directions. I am interested for example in making cinnamon scented, or pine for the fall but do not understand when they say to ex. (used dried orange rind )does this mean a rind that has been sitting around for a long time after you peeled your orange or does it mean dried in a dehydrator? Please if someone has the patience and has done this before could you please direct me how. Thank you!:(

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you can dry orange peels in the oven or use a dehydrator. I have better luck in a dehydrator, I will forget about them in oven and end up with burnt orange peels. that is all you have to do.

If you dont want to mess with drying, go to san francisco herb co. and buy dried orange peel ribbons or dices (dices are called the california cut.)

that's it.

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