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Adding a new line??


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I am trying to make a business decision and it is driving me crazy. I sell primitive mason jar candles currently. I have been contemplating adding a new status jar line, because I have people that are looking for something more contemporary. I was going to have different scents in those jars, but then I am worried people will start asking can you do this scent in this jar and all that. Does anyone do this without a problem or is it a bad idea?

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I tried that one time and I ran into the very problem you are talking about. Drove me crazy. Since then I just use the same scents in all my containers. ONe thing I didn't try was to use the same scent named differently to match the more contemporary container.


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Actually, for me, my customers generally just like the jelly jars and other country types. I live in a cheap area though. They usually choose the biggest for the cheapest. Contemporary doesn't really sell for me. I try to keep one container available that is what I think of as "gifty." But every time I try a more "elegant" type of jar, they just won't pay the price that I have to charge to cover the cost of the jar.

It is kind of discouraging.

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I can understand that completely. I have a mix of types in my area and my hubby has some more "upscale" friends that he knows through work. I am just nervous, but I guess it's worth a shot. I personally love my mason jars and we live near an Amish community so the prim demand is here.

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