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4627 + 16oz apoth jar = ?wick

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wax - igi 4627

jar - 16 oz apothocary

fo - 1oz/pp butt naked

I'm testing a single 1212 htp wick on this combo and it is about all the way down. There is about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch hang up around 3/4 of the jar and the last quarter did burn down a bit down the jar, but not much. I noticed that I have had to keep this wick VERY closely trimmed or it just sooted like crazy. I know htp are supposed to bend but I just was not able to get it to do so, or does it just bend at the very tip? I know my votive wick (htp-62) gets a good curve on it and they burn nearly perfectly. The 1212 also mushrooms a good bit -not huge- and frays.

Anyone else have this type of experience with it, should I burn another, or is this wick in general too small for the jar? I'm going to try a double wick with my htp 105's and also test a single 1312 htp as well. What wicks have you tried in the 16oz apoth jar?



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Seems to me like the larger HTP wicks don't bend like the smaller ones. I also have this trouble with 4627 when I want to use a larger jar because it needs the larger wick and when you don't trim it often it will smoke like a chimney.

I would try double wicking it too. But I think two htp 105s will be too big to start with. Maybe try the 83s and go from there.

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Double wicked htp83's:

First burn gave fmp in about an hour with a half inch depth. :(

After 2 hours, the flames were very tiny, and the melt pool was over half an inch.

At 4 hours the melt pool was near 3/4 inch.

Pretty sure it is the mp depth that causes the tiny flames, but if I blow them out and take off the mushrooms, they have a more medium height.

Boy, they sure do DEVOUR the wax, But it has an incredible scent throw. lol

Guessing these are too big for the jar. Will 73's be much of a difference or should I go to 62?

htp 1312

First burn gave about a 3 and a half inch diameter melt pool with slightly over half an inch depth.

Second burn went to about the diameter of the first.

Third burn, wick at 1.4 inch... high flame, streamed smoke/soot for 5 min. Blew it out, trimmed again. Small wick had no smoking issue, but after 4 hours the melt pool was about half the diameter of the first burn.

I don't think I can get the burn I want with a single wick.

Any one have suggestions on a type of wick that performs well for them with the 4627 wax in a larger jar?

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