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second batch took "forever" to trace


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well maybe not quite forever....

my first batch i followed eugenia's room temp tutorial which calls for including FO with oils BEFORE adding the lye water. i used 3/4 ounce FO to a pound of oil. traced in about 15 minutes.

last nite, i used the same recipe but NO fragrance added to oils. took almost an hour to give me a very light trace.

can FO or lack therof make that big a difference?

the FO was CS lavender.

tia... again...


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thanks! tonite i took the soap out of the shoebox, took off the freezer paper and cut it. i'm afraid to do the tongue test, got a bad shock from a laptop charger about a week ago and just the thought of even a zap right now gives me the chills.

i did take a small piece and washed my hands. got a good lather and washed for a minute or so. no sting or anything.

i guess at some point i'll have to find out.... but not tonite! it cut easily, no crumble or anything.

next time i'll have the stick blender ready!!

thanks again!

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Yes, FO'S can affect your trace. Some florals are known to be really fast movers and then some play nice like your Lavender. I've had some non florals move move pretty quick too. Just keep notes and you'll know which ones to watch for. You can also look up how scents will do here---


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Yes, FO'S can affect your trace. Some florals are known to be really fast movers and then some play nice like your Lavender. I've had some non florals move move pretty quick too. Just keep notes and you'll know which ones to watch for. You can also look up how scents will do here---


thanks billie, especially for reminding me about the scentreviewboard. i joined before i started making soap and totally forgot about it!

i just couldn't believe the HUGE time difference between the one with the FO and the second one without. i did finally test and it IS soap, thank goodness. no zap at all.

yes, notes..... must remember.......

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What's the tongue test?

did you ever put your tongue on a 9 volt battery to see if it had any charge left? that's the tongue test with new soap. if it zaps you, you have a problem.

i couldn't stand not knowing, so i finally took the chance and touched the soap with my tongue... no zap. that's a good thing!

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