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Making your own shaped molds from modeling clay?


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Have any of you tried making your own soap molds from modeling clay or something similar that will set up hard, say for odd shapes you can't get anywhere? What got me to thinking on this was Trappeur asked in an old post about fairy shaped molds. If she made a standard round or square shape from modeling clay, then took a toy fairy and pressed into it to get a fairy shape on the bottom of the mold/top of the soap, would this work?

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It might, What I would suggest more than that would be to use silicone. I bought some and it works amazing.. its called OOMOO 25, silicone Rubber Compound by Smooth-On. It comes in PartA and PartB, you mix equal parts (best to use our scales for this!) and then pour it over you "item" and it will make a perfect silicone cast. Its also good to buy the "Mann Ease Release-205"

There is a video here:

this is Martha S using it to make a twig mold...

But my method is a bit different. I had a small bird statue I wanted to make a mold from, so I took a plastic tupperware, laid the bird down on its side, and poured plaster about 1/2 of the way up, trapping him on his side, and leaving the side I wanted the mold to be of exposed. Then I poured my OOMOO over. When the OOMOO dried, I peeled it off and I had the perfect 1/2 indent of the bird! Its wonderful stuff.. and its non-stick and flexible so you can flex it to pop your soap out.

I've heard of candle makers using it alot too.. this is another video that uses a different form of rubber but you could use OOMOO for this as well.

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