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4630 & C 3 50/50

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Was wonder if any one has mixed these 2 waxes together? I just poured a 50/50 mix in a golden harvest pint mason jar and was wonder what wick would you all start testing at? I just started useing a HTP 126 wick with C 3 alone in this jar but I'm thinking it might be too big for this mix what do you all think?

TIA!! Cindy/WI

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Just started testing this blend myself and a CDN8 is doing well in the square mason jar (I normally use a CDN14 or HTP105 with the C3 alone). So you will definitely need to wick down several sizes. I have only tested 2 FO's so far but I am very pleased with this combination,, no frost, great hot throw and very nice burn.

I normally use just C3 (no color) for my soy only line and TN 70/30 for my line that I do color. Just playing with this blend to see how it goes.

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I couldn't get a good hot throw with this combo. Better with the C-3 and 4627. Did you add any additive to the soy or let that be with the 4630 in it? ALso, when you blend these combos, they seem to burn a little different if you let them cure for a couple of days.

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Not sure what you mean by "it takes all kinds to make a world" but I just wanted to try something different. There not for sale there for myself.

... I just can't understand why folks wanna blend a perfectly good soy-based wax like C3... :confused: Guess it takes all kinds to make a world... :)
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I'm mixing them because I love the throw with the 4627 and the

creamier texture of the C-3. The 4627 alone is too gooey and transparent looking. The 4627 alone leaves the slime thing. Need to use up the wax purchased...have to justify the credit card balance for all the candlemaking supplies...

Curious to find out. Do any of you have smokers in the house?

Does that affect anything with the candles either as they are burning while you are testing (raw materials as well) or in the finished product. I haven't read anything about that yet.

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Yeah with the 4630 & C 3 I got real nice coloring and I don't normally even color my candles. As far as smoking goes I do smoke but not in my house, no one else here smokes so I don't subject them to my bad habit, lol so not sure if that would affect anything.

I'm mixing them because I love the throw with the 4627 and the

creamier texture of the C-3. The 4627 alone is too gooey and transparent looking. The 4627 alone leaves the slime thing. Need to use up the wax purchased...have to justify the credit card balance for all the candlemaking supplies...

Curious to find out. Do any of you have smokers in the house?

Does that affect anything with the candles either as they are burning while you are testing (raw materials as well) or in the finished product. I haven't read anything about that yet.

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Not sure what you mean by "it takes all kinds to make a world" but I just wanted to try something different.

I meant that different folks have different preferences and ideas. Just because I don't understand why someone would make a blend doesn't mean someone else might not have a reason for doing so... :)

Curious to find out. Do any of you have smokers in the house?

Does that affect anything with the candles either as they are burning while you are testing (raw materials as well) or in the finished product. I haven't read anything about that yet.

WillowBoo, that sounds like a good question for a separate topic... there are many opinions on this. :)

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