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cooling palm container & pillar

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This has probably come up before, but I came up with a easy way to cool my palm candles. I have one of those electric roaster ovens from before I got my surf n turks. I turn that on to 200, warm the jars in it, then turn it off and pour. Every one has had great crystallization. And it's portable

I'm pretty happy w/ this method, so I thought I'd share.

I'm sure I'm not the first one that's do this, though :)

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I have done this when my workshop has been really cold. Just make sure to put a folded up beach towel (or some other thick towel) over the top to hold in the heat.

If it isn't too cold then I just put a couple layers of cardboard on my workbench to insulate the jars from the cold bench.

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How much one needs to insulate them depends on the air temp... I have various methods, depending on how many of what I am doing and the ambient air temperature in my drafty old house. When it's REAL cold and I have a lotta tall things (like pillars) or a couple of flats of containers, I use the oven, set at 200°F and turned off when the candles go in. Sometimes I use styrofoam coolers. Sometimes I use heavy cardboard boxes and every now and then, I just wrap molds with used paper towels (or old towels or old tee shirts) and cover the whole thing up with more used paper towels. One of those roaster ovens would make a nice addition to my cooling arsenal. Seems like I saw one at Goodwill a few weeks ago... :D

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Wow, that would be great if you could get one used. I used mine again yesterday and I really found it convenient. I may have to get another!

The thing I really love about it is that you can preheat the molds or jars right in the roaster, and then pour and cool without even moving anything.

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