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Here is how I would start. Go and cut a few hunks off the large piece. Chop that into smaller pieces around an inch or so. Put it in a microwave safe cup or bowl. Take a deep breath, put it in the microwave for 30 secs. and then short intervals until it is melted. Don't overheat it or let it boil. Take a deep breath. Then pour it into a bar size anything. It can be a mold, but does not HAVE to be. A small Tupperware type container will work fine. Let it set up completly. Remove it from the mold, and go take a shower with that bar of soap. While you are using the soap, think about how it lathers, bubbles, moisturizes, smells and so on. Then you will know what you might want to add to the next batch. Maybe add some scent, some color, some shea butter or take a look at the M and P thread about what to add the it. Go from there and you will do great! Let us know how it goes and have fun. No stress.


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Guest Ox_B_love
Here is how I would start. Go and cut a few hunks off the large piece. Chop that into smaller pieces around an inch or so. Put it in a microwave safe cup or bowl. Take a deep breath, put it in the microwave for 30 secs. and then short intervals until it is melted. Don't overheat it or let it boil. Take a deep breath. Then pour it into a bar size anything. It can be a mold, but does not HAVE to be. A small Tupperware type container will work fine. Let it set up completly. Remove it from the mold, and go take a shower with that bar of soap. While you are using the soap, think about how it lathers, bubbles, moisturizes, smells and so on. Then you will know what you might want to add to the next batch. Maybe add some scent, some color, some shea butter or take a look at the M and P thread about what to add the it. Go from there and you will do great! Let us know how it goes and have fun. No stress.


thats great advice i just bought melt and pour base and in the back of my mind i have been thinking of what im going to do wheni get it. It makes sense to try it out and see what to adjust.

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