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Is their a fo that will last all day??


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I have been trying several fo's from several suppliers in my cyclo for body sprays but,... is their any such ones that will last all day long. I have some friends who test for me, I will spritz them for the day and when they come home for work, I can't smell the scent on them. Is this normal? Is their any fo's that you swear by, that will last all day?

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BCN's Juicy Couture type lasted all day on me! Last year at convention they were in our goody bags. Well dumb me didn't realize I hated that scent and sprayed myself that morning. I smelled it the next morning when I got up still! LOL Most people love it, I am one that sadly does not...obviously!

I have also had good luck with Sandalwood Vanilla (bcn under the BNL scents) sticking like glue to me and Island Kola Nut & Vanilla Grapefruit (again BCN but those are both Wick Your Wax fo's.) I wear all three of those and they last all day and when I get up the next morning I can still sniff a bit :)

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Hey Flicker.. Nice Plug for BCN!!! LOL

It is certainly no secret that I work for BC. Never has been, thus the reason I post as the same name on all boards. But I do use their products and those I happen to use in Cyclo. Sorry you didn't like it but that is my opinion. If you have never noticed I have never said I use ONLY bc products...I make candles and body products for a living and use what works...just like the rest of us.

Maybe you should give those fo's a try. I used WYW and BNL scents long before BC carried them and they are great in cyclo :)

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