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I finally started to get my products listed on my website. So far I can only take PayPal but I am working on that...

This is the URL


It is not even close to being done and I suck at taking pictures so I am going to have to find someone else to take the pics. But this is the layout so far, I did all the Graphics myself. Please let me know of any grammar errors or dead links...etc....



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The Bath link and the Body link both have products up and listed....with crappy pics. I was up all night just getting that far, It takes me forever to do the shopping cart! I also want to add a search area so browswers can search my site for what they want.

Thanks for looking.

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I think you're doing a heck of a job! It looks great so far! Suzanne's Honkin Nose cream LMAO~ that's just too funny and too awesome! I can't wait to see the site when all the pics are added!

My cousin has a really big nose and we always tease her about it. She was mean to me when we were kids, so this is my way of getting some revenge LOL...and yes...she is mad about it. I gave her a free jar and she about killed me LOL.

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The web site does look asthetically pleasing but I have two suggestions.

The way you edit the pages is far more difficult than it has to be. You have each page as it's own .htm file. This means if you wanted to edit the links on the left side of the page, you would have to do it for every web page across your site. This is assuming you're not using an editor, of course, but even so, it's more difficult than it should be.

drop the .htm and rename all of it as .shtml. Then go to Google.com and search "HTML SSI". Read a few tutorials on how to make maintaining a web site easier.

Secondly, remove your email address from the bottom of your pages. Email addresses do not belong on web sites. Use a contact form instead. It is more professional and it is easier for the visitor to use. This also cuts down on spam and bandwidth. Web bots will rip your site to shreads if it finds an email address on there.

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The web site does look asthetically pleasing but I have two suggestions.

The way you edit the pages is far more difficult than it has to be. You have each page as it's own .htm file. This means if you wanted to edit the links on the left side of the page, you would have to do it for every web page across your site. This is assuming you're not using an editor, of course, but even so, it's more difficult than it should be.

drop the .htm and rename all of it as .shtml. Then go to Google.com and search "HTML SSI". Read a few tutorials on how to make maintaining a web site easier.

Secondly, remove your email address from the bottom of your pages. Email addresses do not belong on web sites. Use a contact form instead. It is more professional and it is easier for the visitor to use. This also cuts down on spam and bandwidth. Web bots will rip your site to shreads if it finds an email address on there.

I use Microsoft Front Page to do my website, so editing it is not that difficult. Plus, it automatically saves evertying as .htm. Plus I do not know coding, and my boyfriend is the computer geek around here and he says I should not try Shtml until I at least understand html a litte better. I just use frong page and it lets me put stuff where I want it and I do not have to write any code. But, I am glad you brought this up because we (My boyfriend and I) are looking into some information about using this coding. But if I do use shtml, he is going probably going to have to do it for me..haha.

I do like your suggestion for a contact form, and I will do that after I get everything else done.

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I assumed you were using FP. It's the only editor that still uses the old .htm extension. Either way, it may be better for you to rename all the files to .html manually and keep them with the new extenstion. .html is a more business-like extension than .htm. If you wanted to go above and beyond, .asp is the most business-used extension. It is a little more difficult since it requires programming :)

I noticed something else on your web site. Under the lip balm section. You use "We use the finest oils and butters when making our lip balm." a number of times. You should use it once or not at all. Every company/website claims to use only the best ingredients and visitors typically skip over text like this. Be different.

That's all I can look through for now, have some work to do.

Good luck.

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