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color seperation

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well...here goes the questions....I was just making my second candle with scent and color and it seperated ....most of the color was on the bottom and the candle was green instead of blue....so it was as if it was only 1/2 colored what happened....I will admit...for right now till I get a prepay credit card I'm using the yales wax and the fo was from early american candle supplies scent tobacco...now when I poured in the scent it was thick and colored tan....I tried to mix it in as well as I can...personally I think it was the fo...I only used 8oz of wax and 1/2 oz of fo....please help me to understand what happened

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I mixed at about 170 f ....I think it was the fo but I'm not sure...I thought I mixed in both pretty well...but like I said...all most all of the color went to the bottom of the candle and the rest was green instead of blue I poured at a little under 175 the melting point of the wax was 128f and it said not to pour over 175 maybe I poured to hot?

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Ooooh I have had this happen. Your FO was waaaaay to thick. When you poured it into the blue wax, the amber tint from the fo made it look green.

Your FO never incorporated. Hate to tell ya, but your gonna need to try again with a better FO.

The FO should have a smooth light consistency and a light color. Anything darker than a yellow color I have never had good results with. They always sink. Impossible to incorporate. You can heat the FO a bit in warm water, but that has never worked for me. You can stir til your arm falls off, again, never worked for me.

Good Luck! Get yourself a prepaid Visa from Wallyworld. OR you can get paypal, most suppliers take that too. :cheesy2:

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well if I can do this right are two pics showing you what I am talking about...thanks tess and scented for the replies

tess....I think you are right about the fo....that's kinda what I was thinking but I figured I'd ask the guru's first...so here are those pics....





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