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putting whips in a pump bottle?


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I have a client who wants my whips in a pump bottle. Would that work? i guess I don't want to waste the funds on it if someone else has already done it? Does it work out ok? I thought we were limited to wide mouth jars for whips?

sorry if this is a silly or stupid question.



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I'm afraid that's something you will have to test yourself. There are too many variables for you to assume what works for one person will work for you and your client. Your whip could be a different consistency from someone else's, and the pump they use might dispense a larger or smaller amount than yours, which could drastically affect the overall sensation of your product.

Buy a container or two to test and if you like the outcome, charge your customer a special packaging fee that at minimum will cover the cost of buying the containers. It may be that when she discovers it will cost her more money, the wide mouth jars will do just fine.

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