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WYW FO's As good as they say???

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I was just wondering what people think about the WYW FO's... they are substantially more expensive but I am really looking to achieve a hand full of super scented candles for a smaller line of "specialty" candles within my brand. I am looking to do a total of 10 new fragrances (once I get this darn wicking right!) that have a long reaching HT. They seem to offer a few unique scents and I just love to buy FO's but I'm trying not to get too carried away:drool: Any opinions out there?

What about experience with French Color and Chem? I can buy those locally but haven't tried them yet.

BTW, Bought CS Mistletoe a week or so ago and was an amazing HT even though my MP wasn't quite right. It smelled up the whole downstairs of the house!


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Search is your friend. I use WYW almost exclusively and found that they are the only scents that give me the scent throw I want. (Even then, some of them don't). Vanilla Grapefruit is a must have. Citrus Pine has been received VERY well.

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Thanks for your response! I haven't yet purchased any of the WYW fragrances but want to give some "higher end" Fo's a shot and see if they are worth the cost. I did buy some fragrance from French Color and Fragrance and tossed it into some wax earlier. I won't test burn till tomorrow evening. Has anyone used The French Color and Fragrance FO's?

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