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Ok so I took the plunge and got all my liquid dye. I went with EVO from CandleWic, and just got them in today. They seem really thick compaired to a few colors I have that someone had given me. The only I didn't order was green cause it was OOS and I had some plain green. I am wondering if a large difference in consistansy between suppliers is normal. Also will I be able to use them together to mix colors. Ones consistancy is like colored water the other is like finger paint paste. TIA

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I use a lot of candlewic liquid dyes and the only runny one is the white which is actually a pigment. All the others have the same consistancy. If it is cold they become thicker but hopefully you always shake them very well before use. They mix very well together

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Thank-you, I think I should clarify. The odd colors that someone gave me are not CandleWic all the ones I got from CandleWic are the same consistancy (finger paint thick). But when I ordered they were OOS of the basic green which is one of the misc. colors I had given to me. My issue is the green's consistancy is water and I am wondering if I can use it with the thicker red (for eg) to mix my colors or will the severly different consistancies mess something up?

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It shouldn't "mess things up", but it might make it difficult to get the color you are wanting if the green is used. It sounds like the green is much less concentrated than the new ones..... so if you need 1 drop of green and one drop of yellow for a "recipe" it probibly would not end up the color you want.

I have dye from various suppliers.... I have some peaks, CS, NG and JBN. I have no problem mixing them with each other.... but if I change a color from one supplier to another I might have to refigure my "color recipe".

Some dyes say an oz. will dye 40 lbs to a medium shade while others say an oz will dye 100 or more lbs to a medium shade. It is all in the concentration of them.

Hope that answers your question

Have a great one and enjoy all those new dyes.


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Thank-you, that does clear some things up for me now to start using them and testing all over again. I know alot of people say using liquid is way better but I guess it is gonna take a while to get used to the new dye. Another question would be I get the retesting of the wicks in all my candles but will switching dyes affect my scent throw in my tart type items?

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I have not been making candles long enough to say for sure.... but I would guess that once you start testing you will find your wicking to be the same (assuming you colored before)... unless you use a HUGE amount of dye.

It would not expect it to effect your tarts as ST is from the heating of the tart.

I usually use 1 - 16 drops of dye pp of wax depending on the color I want. If it is a lighter color 1 drop maybe even less....1 drop per 2 lbs. If it is a darker color.... like my red hots I use 10red and 1 yellow pp. My heaviest color is my pumpkin I use 10 yellow, 1 blk and 5 red. Most are 1-6 drops. My dyes are pretty concentrated like your new ones.



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