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coloring candles

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I haven't colored my candles for years now and I've got an order for black patchouli candles. I can't remember will adding color to these make a dfference in the wick size. I will be testing myself but if anyone could giving me a starting size in wick it sure would help. I'm thinking maybe a CD 16 seeing I normally use a CD 12 - 14 in this jar.

Jar 3"

wax C 3

wick CD size ????

scent patchouli (from Peaks @ 8% FO load)

tia Cindy/WI

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Hi Cindy, what type of dye are you using? I tried doing black in my soy for a layered "Harley" type candle and couldn't get any darker than a slate grey with liquid and that was with a heck of a lot of dye. I've never used the chips though so maybe someone else would be able to help you if you use chips.

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I'm using Dry Crystals from CC (pitch black/dark gray) and your right I used a lot of these and they came out black but with a hint of gray to them. I don't think I want to use any more than what I did b/c I don't think they'll burn right. I'll just have to explain to my customer that plain black is a really hard color to get. I do have some Pryme Color /Black I wonder if it would give me a better black??? Anyone know about that???

Hi Cindy, what type of dye are you using? I tried doing black in my soy for a layered "Harley" type candle and couldn't get any darker than a slate grey with liquid and that was with a heck of a lot of dye. I've never used the chips though so maybe someone else would be able to help you if you use chips.
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Yeah that's the main reason I stopped using color a long time ago. I did make up 2 testers and so far I don't see a lot of frost on them but like you said in time I'm sure it will show up. Bummer!!!

I wouldnt even attempt it using C3. Tell the customer, soy wax is too opaque to get a solid black. also the frosting issues will ruin the color later on.
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