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Fall & Christmas Scent Testing


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In the last 2 1/2 days, I poured all my regulars and will test burn them this week & next. I am so amazed at the quality of these scents. A lot of them are leftover from last year. That's why I don't add many to my lineup. They were good 5 yrs ago and they are still great; (same supplier and close to same price.) During the year, sometimes I pick up an extra bottle from someone else on sale. Those new ones with the fancy name and big price sure don't have the same quality. In general, I think FOs are getting weaker and going up in price. Has anyone else noticed this? Give me the old scents anytime. Carole

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Yes Carole, I think the same thing. I have noticed though, because I am not pouring very many candles in the summer, my nose can smell better. When I got out my fall scents from last year, they smelled wonderful. Then I went thru a bunch of samples I had and they smelled great too. Once I start pouring lots of candles again, my smeller will be off again. I don't remember any of these fragrances being this good last year. Some times I can't hardly smell them after making 20 cases. Ya know? I watch my scents closely. I am expecting them to start getting cheaper oils, or weakening them down. The oils are going up so high, they will not be able to make money with out doing something. That is why I was surprised that NGs were so cheap. I used some of theirs, and the ones I use are really good. Around Christmas time, I noticed some of my oils were weak. They had to weaken them down to make the orders. Not NGs, just different ones. Just keep smelling. That is all we can do. I as seeing alot of products out there that are not as good. One, is Girl Scout cookies. They were not good at all this year. I was so surprised. I see this in a lot of stuff. I decided if I could not keep the quality in my candles, I would quit making them. It just ain't right.:waiting:

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