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Made my first HP Soap!


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Made my first soaps HP. Oh yeah :D

Considering all the things that went wrong I have to admit I'm pretty happy with the final results. I'm still waiting for them to harden a cure up a little bit but I will post some pics.

First off I'm so glad that someone here mentioned that you could find lye at Lowes Hardware. Otherwise it would have been another week before I couldv'e got to soaping. Not to mention saving me a bunch on price and shipping.

My biggest problem was getting it smoothly into the mold. I was using a silicon hearts mold and a pvc mold. A lot of the hearts had seams and I had a big air pocket in the PVC loaf. If anyone know a trick for packing this stuff down please share. The soap is really thick and sticky once it gels.

I also wanted to mention that I used Quitegirl's basic soap recipe with a couple subs (Mango Butter & Palm Steric) since I didn't have any Palm Kernal Oil on hand. Also thankful that Crisco was listed on the SoapCalc. The bar came out a natural creamy white and really soft and creamy lather - I can't wait till it cures for a couple weeks to feel the full effects in the shower.

The only thing I can say to anyone reading this that is considereing making HP or CP soaps is to prepare yourself for the lye fumes. It was so strong I thought I was going to choke. On my second batch I covered my mouth with a bandana and opened the front door to get more air circulation which both helped. I like the HP because I was able to get the lye poured and out of the way really quick. I'm stilling trying to figure where to put the lye pitcher while it's cooling down for CP.

I can tell soaping is going to be my latest and probably greatest addiction. I been making candles since 2000 and I could totally kick myself in the butt for not trying soaps first.



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