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Well...what happened here?


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I've been tinkering with a new body butter recipe (no water, just butters, oils and wax).

Two nights ago, I made a test recipe and let it sit 24 hours. It was a bit soft for my taste so to add a little firmness I added more cocoa butter, melted everything down, mixed it up well and let it sit another 24 hrs...but now it's thinner!...liquidy...much like a cream soup. Before the cocoa butter was added it was semi-thick like a salve. How the heck can adding more cocoa butter make it thinner?

Any guesses?

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My guess would be because you remelted the emulsion down. Try another small test batch with the extra cocoa Butter and see whatcha get.

hmmm - but it's not really an emulsification - no water.

I'd say that wait another 24-48 hours and see - cocoa butter can take FOREVER to set up.

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ahhhhhhhhhhh...missed the part NO WATER.

But I have never had cocoa butter take forever to set up. I usually let my lotions set over night like she did and they are the consistency that they are gonna be. Sort of like if I melt my whipped shea back down...it is never the same.

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CareBear, you were right...I waited a couple of more days and now the thickness is very nice! I had no idea cocoa butter was so slow to thicken up...I usually use shea and hemp butters, a mix of oils and a little candillia wax...this was my maiden voyage with cocoa! I also used soy wax in the recipe and I believe it's a keeper! Rich and thick, soaks right in, not greasy and the soy leaves a very smooth protective layer. I was going for a recipe for very dry, cracked skin and this may be it. :yay: I do a lotion stick in a tube, but also wanted something I could put in a small jar or tin

I'm sending it out to testers this week...

Thanks everyone for your input!

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