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Square Palm Pillars

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Hi all. I searched for the answer to this question and found only an answer with regard to paraffin. So, here goes. I'm testing square palm pillars 3" and I'm having a tough time with the wicking. On some, after a 6-8 hour burn, it's leaving a 1" rim on the corners, and a 3/4" rim on the sides, using a CD12. My question is, on these square palm pillars - what do you expect from the melt pool? Should I just expect a 1/4" rim on the sides, and a larger rim by the corners, i.e. 1/2"? I mean, a 1" rim on the sides, with a 3/4" side rim seems too big for an eight hour burn . . . it's the same size as when I burned it for my initial three hour burn. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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