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The most important thing is to start somewhere and don't buy a pallet of glassware until you have some wicking experience under your belt. Some people begin pouring candles knowing exactly what kind of container they wish to use; others are blown away by the selection and "try on a few for size" before they settle on exactly what they wish to stock. Some folks use jelly or canning jars to start; others buy glassware from WalMart, the Dollar Store, etc.

I'll admit I'm a bit conflicted with the different advice I've been given, but since I bought and opened my jelly jars already, I guess I'll start with them. :) Any experience is good experience and the more I test, the more I'll learn. :)

Don't let this little point slow you down - people are different and have different points of view. One size doesn't fit all. Just get pourin' and wickin' and you'll be making progress. ;)

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The wicks I used in my jelly jars were htps. I used mostly htp 73 and htp 83s. But, I found that some of the FOs required htp 62. What I have discovered so far is that some of my spicy scents required the 83 and the lighter oils required the 62 or in between. But every oil is different and some have completely stumped me and I've had to test and test again. I did not realize when I started just how important it is to find the perfect wick, but I really think it makes or breaks the candle. All and all I still love it and this site is perfect for us newbies. There are lots of helpful people who give advice freely. So don't be afraid to ask questions. Maybe one day we can pay it forward, too.

P.S. My personal opinion is the HTP wicks for the 4630. I also tried the zinc and they work good, but I think the HTP smoke less. Could just be me, though. Happy candle making!!!:smiley2:

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