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BASEBALL THEME accessories for Wax Dipped Bear??

Toni S.

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Maybe someone can lead me in the right direction? I'm making two wax dipped bears for upcoming baby showers and I keep running into a brick wall when it comes to the bear for the Baby Boy! Accessories are endless for the girl bear but not for what I'm looking for with the boy bear. I want to do the boy's bear in a baseball theme and can't seem to find any accessories. I'd like to get a baseball cap and either a small bat or ball or better yet, BOTH!! I've searched the internet but I've come up with NOTHING... Unfortunately, I live in an area where there isn't any big chain stores and the nearest Hobby Lobby is about 3 hours away so I have to rely on the internet. Making this bear up in a baseball theme is really important to me because it will be for my first "GREAT" Grandchild!!!! My first born grandson is an avid Chicago Cubs fan so I want to make this bear for his first child which is a BOY.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

PS: I'll be using the 7.5" Scraggle Bear

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