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My flame is really weak and melt pool pathetic....wick help!

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Buy the next larger wicked size. Or try a CD wick. The CD's always seem to throw the scent better than other wicks ( in my experimenting). Unfortunately I don't use them as much as I use to, because I need a huge CD to wick my pillars and end up with too much smoke. It you're using a 32 cotton, perhaps a 44 Cotton would work, or maybe a CD7. HTP's are great too, but again, once you get into the huge sizes, I tend to get black smoke unless the wick is super super short, and I can't expect my customers to walk by and trim those wicks almost down to nothing.

I currently use mostly low smoke zinc wicks, or the CDs in my votives. I'm testing LX28 and LX30 in my pillars to see if there's a better burn and no smoke. They seem to do wonderfully in my mottling wax, not so much in my OK6228 pillars.

Oh, and if the person who recommended TriState candles for OK6228 happens to be reading this, thanks again for the recommendation. They are cheaper than the other carriers of this wax and the shipping much cheaper. They just went up on the wax by .04 cents per lb, but it only made a $3 difference in 2 cases of wax. My last shipment got here in about 2 days (I'm in DE, they're in W.Va).


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I currently use HTP wicks in my soy, and seems to really work well. I use 10oz and 16oz Apoth, and single wick it with HTP1212 wicks... in my case there is very little smoke or soot, and I get a good melt pool and good throw. Course the testing is gonna start all over as I am switching to J223 container wax, mainly due to shipping costs. I also use Tri State Candle supply, but that is mainly because I live an hour away, so I can drive there alot cheaper than paying shipping.. Anyway, I would give the HTP wicks a look at as well during your tests..... HTH

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