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sink scent...catch phrase


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I had single packets of the sink scent listed in my Etsy shop. Sine I got such rave reviews with my packaging for the bulk size, I figured I better come up with something to inspire a sale or 2. This is what I came up with.

Yucko, Stinko, Pe--uuuuu!Are you cooking fish, liver, or onions? Did you burn your dinner or leave the popcorn popping too long in the microwave? Did something rot in your garbage disposal or did someone forget to turn the bathroom fan on?

Foul odors are Foul! With sink scent you can temporarily clear the air leaving that "I've been scrubbing all day" fresh, clean scent while cleansing and deodorizing your kitchen and bathroom sinks and pipes.

Environmentally friendly, sink scent is a non-toxic powder mixture that won't release harmful fumes into the air like aerosols or spray deodorizers. Go green and re-use the moisture resistant zip-loc pouch to re-package bulk items like laundry or dish washing detergeant. The light weight non-bulky pouch is a perfect travel companion for shampoo or a bar of soap. It will keep dry things from clumping (miracle grow) and wet things from drying out (magic eraser sponges, home made play doh).

Each 12 oz. package is enough to treat 8-12 sinks.

Try some Sink Scents today. Your nose will Thank You!

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I do like your packaging... but how "environmentally friendly" is fragrance oil? I saw in your other post that this is made of baking soda, citric acid and FO. No problems with the baking soda and citric acid, they will form sodium citrate and carbon dioxide in water. But the FO... I wouldn't say they are "environmentally friendly."

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From what I was told by a chemist friend and lab tech, because the fragrance oil is incorporated with the powders and dissolves into the water, there are no actual fragrance oil droplets being expressed into the air like with an aerosol can or spray..there is just an aroma, the oil is still in the water. She said there are worse things being spewed into our environment through the air and washed down our drains. I don't even want to know!

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The FO is going down the drain for the most part, but some gets dispersed into the air (that is what you are smelling). It's not the stuff in the air that I worry about. Putting FO down the drain is not very environmentally friendly to septic systems. It's not a huge amount, and you wouldn't do it very often, so I don't really think it would be all that bad though.

However, saying that this product is "environmentally friendly" is not really true IMO. That is the only point I am trying to make.

Don't get me wrong, I like your product and the packaging with the scoop is very nice. I just don't think the phrase "environmentally friendly" is applicable.

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I do see your point, but the environmentally friendly point I was trying to get across was that it isn't an actual aerosol. I am a Dental Hygienist and all the OSHA things I attend are all about the aerosols...spraying things and having the droplets bounce off and go into the air so that's why I'm saying it is friendly 'cause you're not spraying the stuff around. Think about all the other "fragranced" stuff on the market these days. Who knows what's going into our septic systems and into our water...I think that's why kids are just "nuts" these days and there are so many health problems..things just aren't natural like they used to be. I'm going to see if I can get the wording better to get my point across. I'll see if my chemist friend can help me come up with something better. Maybe I could change it to say because this isn't an aerosol, it is friendly to our air environment or something like that. I'll have to do some more tweaking. My original idea was thought of at 2:00 this morning when I couldn't sleep.

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Yeah, we put a lot of stuff down our drains. Fragrance is in everything. Your sink scent is probably less harmful than a lot of other stuff.

I hope they sell well for you because they really are nice looking in your packaging.

I am a chemist, too, by the way, but this is out of my specialty.

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does this leave any residue on the sink? We have terribly hard water and seems like every bath product we try leaves residue in the tub, so I would be afraid of a film in my sink (that would potentially rub off onto dishes) if I put FO in there.

years ago I used to be able to buy "disposal balls" and those were the coolest things! Wish I could figure out how to make something like that. For now I personally just use ice, baking soda, and lemon juice to clean the disposal :D

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It depends on how long you leave the sink full if it leaves a residue or not. The times I've tried it were in my stainless steel sink and it is a mess anyway from our well water but if a slight residue is left I just wipe it out.

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