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Those who have Upland 12 bar slab molds....


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what size recipe do you make to fill your mold? Their website said that my log mold "held up to" a certain amount (4.6lbs) but it was different from what mine actually held. (less than 4 lbs. I make a 4lb batch and get a few extra testers for myself out of each batch) I want to be able to FILL this slab to max capacity! I know there is a formula somewhere on how to calculate volume...but I can't find it. I'm going to try searching again in the meantime but was wondering if someone had this mold already. Thanks in advance!

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I don't have an upland....but the formula is:

Length of mold x width of mold x depth you plan to pour at x .4 (that is point four).

Now, on their website it says the 12 bar is 2.25 x 3.25 x 1.5 and that looks to be about 9.75 x 9 x 1.5 x .4 and that is 52.65 oz of oils. I'd round it to 52.


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