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Exploding soap :0

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I decided to make another batch of OHP tonight because the girl who does my nails wants a bar of the same soap I OHPed the last time but forgot the FO in. I figured it was as a good a reason to 'fix' my issue and make some more soap. :yay:

So I repeat the process this time not and remember to put the the sugar in the lye water, grab my NEW SB and have at it till a pretty good trace then pop it in the oven, set the time for 30min and proceed to start dinner.

I pop open the oven to have a peek 20mins into cook time and OMG its done volcanoed right up and out over the sides of the pot. I quick stick my spoon in and quell the bubbles.

I grab the roll of wax paper n rip off a sheet and put it on the oven door before I pull out the rack with the dripping pan. Grab the tongs to lift the element and a silicon spatula to scoop up all the half cooked batter off the bottom of the oven. I'd lost almost half my batter.:( I clean the mess up as well as I can and pop the soap pan back in the oven to finish cooking. No reason to waste the good stuff in the pot;)

less than 20 minutes later I check the pot its in complete gel and passes the zap and bubble test. I pop it on the stove top, SCENT IT:grin2: color and marble it and pop it in my modified log mold (put in a small piece of foamcore to act as a stop for the now smaller batch. :embarasse

So far so good, looks like I got the amount of color for the smaller batch about right, and its sitting and cooling as I type. Guess I'm going to have to wait till morning to see how it really is.

Now this leaves me scratching my noggin:confused:. WTF happened here. was it the sugar? should be 1tbs pp right? I didn't erupt before when I forgot the sugar. I even made sure I used the same recipe (lard vs. shortenin') While I'm a lil lost, I'm dying for it too cool. the scent (ginger peach) is wafting out of the kitchen and i'm :drool:

oh and another question. I have some 'young coconut juice' as its labeled on the can. If I use this straight as my only liquid, will it discolor? or would it be better to use it 1/2 h2o and 1/2cj, putting the lye in the h20?

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Yikes! That's no fun. :( Luckily, I've never had that to happen. I have had a couple of close calls with my crock pot though. Sounds like a big mess to clean up. I use sugar to help the batch more fluid. If I leave it out of my HP batches, I can really tell the difference. And the sugar is also supposed to help with the lather.

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I'm looking at the remainder of the mess in the bottom of the oven as an excuse to clean the thing, plus all I'm going to need is a hot wet rag to do it :)

CB, it was used in AJs OHP lesson/tutorial. Like Donna said, it's supposed to help with fluidity and making it easier to mold.

I may have to mess with my amount of sugar, maybe something along the lines of 1tsp pp. I liked that with it it cooked faster, but with the amt in this batch, I didn't like the volcano effect, though my son thought it was awesome

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