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Craft Show requiring to be added to my insurace as

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"additional insured" for the day of the show????:confused:

I have business insurance, but the festival is requiring a

certificate of liability insurance naming the "Association" as the "additional insured" for the date of the festival???

I have never been asked to do this before. A copy of my insurance page has always been enough...

I am sure my insurance will have a fee too??

Anyone have experience with this???

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The agency I work for does not charge a fee for certs of ins. I would call you agent and ask them before you decide anything.

ets: I know some Do charge a fee, but some don't. And the ones who do charge don't normally charge a whole lot. Sometimes it's actually built into your policy as a little additional charge so that you can request them whenever you want w/no fee. It just varies.

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Hi Island Girl, I am an insurance agent. All companies that you do business with ( such as craft show hosts ) can require to be added as additional insured. That is the whole purpose of carrying insurance. It protects them also and their costs want be as high if you carry your own coverage. The certificate of liability is at no cost to you and the insurance company should be able to fax it to the craft show or you within minutes.:highfive:

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Hi Island Girl, I am an insurance agent. All companies that you do business with ( such as craft show hosts ) can require to be added as additional insured. That is the whole purpose of carrying insurance. It protects them also and their costs want be as high if you carry your own coverage. The certificate of liability is at no cost to you and the insurance company should be able to fax it to the craft show or you within minutes.:highfive:

Granted I've only worked at my agency for four months, but I've been told that some DO charge for certs. Are you saying that's not the case?

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