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Big meltpool bottom of container

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Hi, my candles are burning good (1/4" mp) until the bottom of the container with some. I know the glass holds more heat lower in the jar but is a large mp 1/2-3/4" toward the bottom acceptable?

Juggy, I would love to offer ideas, but you haven't given me nearly enough information...

What kind of wax are we talking about? What size/type of wick? Any additives? What FO? What size/shape jar (dimensions, not content)? How long are you burning the candle at a time? About what is the room temp where the candle is being burned? When you talk about a 1/4" meltpool - are you talking the depth or the diameter? HTH :)

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Juggy, regardless of what wax, jars, wicks, etc. you are using, it is quite normal to have a deeper melt pool near the bottom, especially if you depth has become roughly equal to (or greater than) the diameter of your container. You said it already, it's just because of more restricted air flow which equals more heat trapped inside.

As long as you wick properly and safely, and you get a good burn at the top, the melt pool you describe is fine.

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