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Peak in Cargill C3


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For any of you who are doing soy candles (100%, no blends...), what throws really well for you?

I'm looking to dispel the myth that soy can't smell as strong as paraffin. ;)

Specifically, I'm a big fan of Peak, and I'd enjoy hearing what you like in them, more importantly what throws well, but I'm open to any supplier really. I've used Peak's Fresh Brewed Coffee and Lavender, and both work AMAZING at 6% (1oz pp).

I'm pretty stuck on Cargill's Naturewax C3 Soy Wax. It was the first type I ordered when I started ordering from Lonestar. Since then, I've been really happy with it.

I'm looking for any ideas you might have. Thanks! :smiley2:

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Peak has lots of great FOs that work well in C3... JBN has many, SOS, LS, CS, Wellington, Cajun, CandleWic...

At the top of the veggie wax forum, there is a sticky about FOs that work well in different soy products as well.

PS You do know that NatureWax C3 is not 100% soy, huh? It is a "container vegetable wax blend" according to the product literature... ;)

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I will look into those companies... And I saw the list, though two of Peak's listed on there did not work out too well, could just be my wax or wicks. One, not listed (the coffee) did do well, as I said.

And no, I did NOT know C3 wasn't 100%... Haha. I suppose I should pay better attention. I will change my packaging to reflect that fact. Good thing I haven't sent it off to be printed yet!

The good thing is, it's still 100% non-petroleum based, so it's still just as healthy as 100% soy. That is what matters, with the "green" market I'm reaching.

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