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Is It Safe To.........

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I asked this previously, because I used to obsess over tealight warmers. From my research here and other boards, along with sites, the problem comes in with the actual flame burners because of flashpoints of the FO's.

If someone were to use a low watt, completely controlled warmer, then it seems to be acceptable, but considering how many people sell FO and cut recipes to do in tealights, I'm not sure how many people would notice they couldn't use them with tealights, but strictly electric warmers.

I know when I got some at a stand in the BX (mini wal-mart for military) back in Georgia, the bottle had a sticker with the scent - nothing else. I had no idea the difference, until I read here that people cut it with DPG. Frankly, given what I've researched, I still won't sell even with the DPG. People (as a society) are too dumb to read the tiny warnings when they've used something the same way for so long (I'm a dumb one, I'll admit). If I saw warmer oil for sale, side by side, I'd stick it in my tealight warmer... and not even think to catch the difference.

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I was wondering. Is it safe to use stright FO in a oil warmer. I know alot of people use DPG to mix it with. But lately I have seen others selling FO'S without anything in them. Regina

If you aren't cutting the oil with DPG, then you can put water in the bowl and add some of the FO. You need to watch it, to replace the water as it evaporates. I tell all my customers they should never, ever put straight FO in any oil or tart burner!! You can still have a fire if it is a low flashpoint oil and it gets too hot. :cool2:

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If you aren't cutting the oil with DPG, then you can put water in the bowl and add some of the FO. You need to watch it, to replace the water as it evaporates. I tell all my customers they should never, ever put straight FO in any oil or tart burner!! You can still have a fire if it is a low flashpoint oil and it gets too hot. :cool2:

Hi Thats what I thought. I figured it wasen't safe. How can people sell it without anything in it and not warn you about it. me this is a big danger. I guess people will never learn Regina

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