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Lye in ingredients???


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I'm seeing this a lot and just was reminded of it again. Why in the world does anyone who makes soap have to mention there's lye used to make it???? Lye isn't in the finished product so why do you even have to say it? I mean, I've seen it listed in ingredients listings even under sodium hydroxide. Why? There's none left when the soap is done. I really don't understand this one. This post made me think about it just a few minutes ago. I'm stumped. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showpost.php?p=648588&postcount=10

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I put it in all of my soaps as it is an ingredient even though it is not present in the final outcome. legally you do not have to label soaps. I do because of alleregies. I have never had a customer refuse my soap due to sodium hydroxide listed. If they question it I explain the process and have a hand out to give them but I have never had a customer complain. Usually they are happy to have all ingredients listed so they know what's in it. Some are surprised that store bought soap has been made with lye when it explained to them. Your can put saponified oils of (and list the oils) instead of lye.

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I put "saponified oils of..." on my label. The whole reason we don't have to list ingredients is because once it's saponified it is not shea, or lard or coconut, or lye, it's soap. Of course each oils gives different qualities, but truly there is little of the original ingredients left after saponification.

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I use all ingredients used in the MANUFACTURE of the product.

Having 2 grandchildren with severe peanut and tree nut allergies, and being a copious label reader in the supermarket, I would hate to pick up an Entennman's product and see just "cake" on the label.

If any nut or nut byproducts were used, or if it was manufactured in a facility which handles nuts and peanuts, it's a no-no for us.

It's really not a difficult thing to do, listing all ingredients.

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Your options are to list either all the ingredients that go into the soap, or all the ingredients in the finished soap, in descending order by weight (down to 1%; multiple ingredients at less than 1% can be in any order, I believe). Since I don't know just how much of each oil remains unsaponified, and I don't know just how much glycerine is released, and the amount of water remaining in the bars changes with time, I prefer to list all the ingredients that go into the soap so that I know the order is correct. Plus I don't want to nearly double the list of ingredients by listing the soap of each oil plus the unsapped oil (sodium olivate and olive oil, sodium cocoate and coconut oil, sodium palmate and palm oil, etc.), which I would have to do for a truly accurate listing of all the ingredients in the finished soap.

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If I want to sell my soaps over here I have to list all the ingredients except sodium hydroxide as it isn't present in the finished product.

Also I have to get my soaps safety assessed by a registered chemist before I can sell them.

To do this I have to send recipes etc with relevant MSDS & suppliers, recipes written with INCI names....it goes on, plus samples for assessing.

If I change a single ingredient e.g a scent a new recipe has to be assessed.

All of this does not come cheap but without it I could face a hefty fine or worse.

At the end of it all tho' I will know that my recipes are registered as safe & my certificates last forever.

In the meantime the headaches continue as I try to gather all the info I need to get these forms etc written out right.


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