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Wow, okay. I've plugged in all of my information including how much it costs for wax, fo, wicks, color, packaging and my time.

I've got the excel file to show how much it costs to make a 4-pack box of votives that include my time as well as without my time incorporated into the total.

Here's where I'm a bit worried. The cost of a votive candle by itself is coming out to a little over $2.40. I'm worried that people will not pay that much for a votive. These are flared and made of palm. I'll post a pic of the item here in a bit, but I'm curious to know what you think of this price for single votives. I'm also wanting to do 4 packs... like say they buy 4 for $9 (so they save about $.60).

Not only do I want them a bit higher for the upcoming hike in supplies to continue making candles, but also be able to give myself a fair amount should I start wholesaling.

Any thoughts? Honesty people (not like you wouldn't give that in the first place). I want some candid answers on why you would or wouldn't pay that much for a votive and what comes into play when you decide to shell out a bit more for an item such as a palm votive.

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Personally, I really couldn't care less what wax is used, as long as it burns properly & has great throw. Also, I'm a MAJOR sucker for label/packaging. If it stands out as unique or upscale, then I'll gravitate to that product & am much more willing to pay more. The old logic of perception is reality. FWIW, I sell 3oz votives for $3.00 each & don't price them to reflect any discounts for multiples. I regularly give a discount, but it's at my discretion. I'm lucky that votives sell well for me ... I've seen many post how some can't give them away. You'll have to find your market.


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I agree with TxSioux. It really depends on where you are selling them at as well. If you plan on selling them at say, a small church event, or something to that nature, I couldn't imagine selling a votive for more than a few dollars. However, if your packaging is nice, you never know. Throw a lil' glitter on it and go at it. (Figuratively speaking of course!) ;)

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Yes, you're right. haha I'm still not in full swing with price vs actual vs perceived, etc. I'll have to post pics of the votives I'm talking about.

Interesting to know that type of wax doesn't matter...and personal preference, we all have one and it's never the same. ha!

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Can't edit my previous post, so I'll go ahead and post a pic of the votives I'm talking about.

I'd love any opinions on packaging and how you might go about pricing. It's such a hard area of the business.

I'm thinking I'm going to have to go lower a bit from what I SHOULD be charging if I go by the times 2 for wholesale and 3 for retail--so about $1.80-1.95. I'm not even including the time it takes me to make the candle, create the labels and sticking them on... I just feel like I'm cheating myself if I do eventually go the wholesale route. It might also be different if I'm able to churn out more than a few at a time as well, but down goes quality--imo.


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I'm confused!

How much does it cost you to make one of these, including packaging, ink, etc. With your time figured in and without?

Personally, although the packaging would draw me to your products (from a consumers POV), I think the box is actually a waste for a votive.

I just think about the fact that as soon as someone buys that it goes into the trash (or recycle bin, if one does indeed recycle chipboard). :(

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Hi Michi--

Without my time added in, I'm looking at just under $.90 per votive. All of my ingredients have a little fudge factor added in for shipping costs, but not much. Could be that I'm not completely sure of myself as far as how pricing should be, etc. I'm always up for pointers!

But, i think I've pretty much figured it should be good as long as it's under $2. I am always thinking about myself and what would make me buy, what factors into my impulse buys, etc. I could go on and on, but in the end... I'm going to have to feel it out.

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Thanks for reassuring. :) I know when you're first starting to put your feelers out there and you're not sure who's going to bite, etc. it's hard to be super confident in the pricing when even I wouldn't buy a votive for more than $2 each. HAHA It's a different story now though when you know what goes into making an item as well as the quality and care. So much to factor that not everyone else may care about. Sorry, thinking out loud I guess. Thanks though oversoyed! :)

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I wouldn't normally spend $2 for a votive either... haha... but I'm cheap! But who doesn't like a bargain. Nothing in my house was bought that wasn't on clearance somewhere.

BUT... if I were in the market for a high end votive, I'd expect to pay as much.

It's all in who you sell to. For example... would you try to sell a $1.00 bumper sticker that said "Honk If You're :wink2:" to the Queen? :D

WOW... after my last 2 posts... I think I need a nap!

Thanks for reassuring. :) I know when you're first starting to put your feelers out there and you're not sure who's going to bite, etc. it's hard to be super confident in the pricing when even I wouldn't buy a votive for more than $2 each. HAHA It's a different story now though when you know what goes into making an item as well as the quality and care. So much to factor that not everyone else may care about. Sorry, thinking out loud I guess. Thanks though oversoyed! :)
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I think 2.50 is a reasonable price for them. Someone was just saying the other day that you should charge 1.50-2.00 per ounce. I can't do it personally but depending on where you are, you possible could.

PS. I really love your boxes and so will wholesale accounts. They add a tremendous upscale look to your product. I am not sure where you get the boxes from but to fix the opening and closing problem, get boxes with a cut out on top or on the sides for sniffing.

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Hi Michi--

Without my time added in, I'm looking at just under $.90 per votive. All of my ingredients have a little fudge factor added in for shipping costs, but not much. Could be that I'm not completely sure of myself as far as how pricing should be, etc. I'm always up for pointers!

But, i think I've pretty much figured it should be good as long as it's under $2. I am always thinking about myself and what would make me buy, what factors into my impulse buys, etc. I could go on and on, but in the end... I'm going to have to feel it out.

I wouldn't sell for less than $2.00, how long do they burn? Why sell for less, you need the income to keep up the good work. If people want to buy cheap candles they can go to the dollar store. I sell tarts for $1.50 and going up to $1.65 when my son gets my site done. It's going to have an awesome shopping cart... I need to get that much because I make a very good product that smells great. And it cost a lot to keep up the good work....:D

PS I love your boxes too. A cut out would be nice but that can come later.

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I love it here! haha Sometimes you have to have others beat it over your head to have it sink in, but you're all right. I need to quit trying to shortchange myself. Maybe this will feel more comfortable with time. I'm not a business major (advertising/design actually) and one of these days I'll feel confident enough in the pricing arena.

Speaking of which, i'm going to have to try to find these smaller punches that people keep bringing up. I don't know where you all shop, but the ones I find are too big! I'm gonna make a run to Hobby Lobby quick and see what they have. :)

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I love it here! haha Sometimes you have to have others beat it over your head to have it sink in, but you're all right. I need to quit trying to shortchange myself. Maybe this will feel more comfortable with time. I'm not a business major (advertising/design actually) and one of these days I'll feel confident enough in the pricing arena.

Speaking of which, i'm going to have to try to find these smaller punches that people keep bringing up. I don't know where you all shop, but the ones I find are too big! I'm gonna make a run to Hobby Lobby quick and see what they have. :)

I hope you find some. Look for me some too while you are there, lol. I am looking into boxes for my candles in tins and would like a cutout. I never even thought about those stampers...

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