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Opaque melted Wax

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Okay, I cant really tell you what dyes, type of wax or FOs are in it--I guess I am asking. It was a candle that I melted down to make my own. First time I have seen wax opaque when it was melted. I am test burning it now and so far okay. Just wondering what could make the wax opaque when it is melted. And if that will affect the burn. TIA

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What kind of candle did you melt?

My guess is that there was some whitener or pigment in the candle wax and that it will not burn well. Opacity can be caused by larger particles which may not flow up the wick properlyl and cause carbon build up on the wick.

Often a pigment or TiO2 will settle out in the liquid if held molten long enough. Is the wax pool around the flame also opaque?

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What kind of candle was it? (pillar, votive container) I know from my experience Translucent crystals will also make the wax look cloudy when it is melted. (hmm, something that is supposed to help the wax stay more translucent makes the wax opaque looking when melted, yep that makes a whole lotta sense.) :D:wink2:

Karen B

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The candle was rather large and light blue. It was shaped somewhat like you would expect a carved or brass candlestick to look. It looked like it had been formed around a chunk candle base or insert. It even had a Hudson's Bay Company sticker on the bottom. That company has been out of business for several years and I cant find an image on Google. I added some other wax to makemy own and now the melt pool has white cloudy stuff floating in it. I even filtered it through panty hose before I poured my candle.

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For what every reason my brain can't picture this but I am thinking asbufra is right and it sounds like pigment. It is usually used in a part of the candle that is not really meant to be burned. (outer shell of a cut & carve candle things like that)

It was probably nice practice at melting a real candle just don't judge wicks with this wax it probably won't burn right. Now you should be ready for a real candle when you get some of your own stuff.

Karen B

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Thank you for your replies. I have been burning the candle for 15 hours yesterday and 3 hours so far today. And although the melt pool looks cloudy---it hasnt clogged the wick at all. It seems to be burning it all. I did manage to upload my burn pic as my avatar--uknow---my "real candle"....lol but as far as uploading my pics in bigger mode----the forum wont let me. In any case--whatever it is isnt interfering with the burn properties...has anyone else had wax that is cloudy when melted but burns like any other? BTW---its paraffin.

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