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Insurance question Indie/SoapersGuild


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OK this isn't sales related at all really. My husband just asked, when I showed him how my soap lathered that I'd just made, if he could give some to his boss. She's a woman. LOL She's excited and wants some freebies I know it. Now there is an upside to this. Giving her freebies and keeping her happy, is a good thing for my husband and our family since she's a dispatcher and pretty much chooses who gets work on a day to day basis. He's driving a truck and she gets to hand out work to the drivers each day. Yes I know, but this is life and I accept it. It's in our best interest to not try and buy her off in any way, but just to be nice. I mentioned how she wants to test things for me. I know her a bit better now. I'm even working on her personal computer. She's going to pay me for that work, but I'll cut her a great deal! ;)

Anyway, I have an insurance money fund and have 300 dollars in it. I have been making calls on and off and nothing can be found. We don't own our home. Can't add on to the home owners since there is none. I've had brokers look for me. Nada.

So this leaves me choosing from Idie or Soapers Guild.

My husband and I have agreed that it could be best at this point, to get the insurance. I'm not in a rush to sell, but just want to be covered. So the rest of the money is in the budget to get this done asap. The people who I can get hooked on my stuff to get that word of mouth thing going, I don't know well enough to know if they'd ever sue, so I want my butt covered. I'd like to let people sample, and test for me and just want to be covered. I'd be able to sleep at night. Especially with the candles. LOL ;)

Anyone, have anything they like one better over the other with Indie compared to Soapers Guild? I'm looking closely at both right now. Either of them a better deal for some reason? Anyone have any bad experiences with one of them?

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My home insurance won't cover my soap business. I have a small home based business and a website. I found RLI @Home Business Insurance that covers my soap making business liability. I would like to join the Soap Maker's Guild and get their insurance but that costs more than I can afford right now. My @Home Business policy is $211.00 a year. My contact is Christopher Alexander 309-692-1000 ext 5481 or toll free 866-741-6560. His email is chris_alexander@rlicorp.com. I have done business with them for 2 years. The were prompt, courteous and and answered all of my questions about the policy. If you contact them tell them Sudsations sent you!

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We do have renter's insurance. I never even thought to ask!!! OMG that's funny will ask!!! I called so many places and since we got our renter's insurance through our car insurance company, I really didn't think of connecting that they might have liability for B&B/candes too. I did call a few brokers though and none of them could find anything that they could sell me in the state of Maine. They did ask me who I had as car and renter's insurance. I would think at that point they would have had a hit. Nothing. I'll call my insurance company and ask. I usually just pay bills through internet and forget there's real people there to speak to. Silly me! LOL ;)

Cbv1 thank you will give yours a call. :)Sudsations got it! Will remember to mention that name when inquiring. :)

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K thanks. I hope they won't drop or raise my renters or something. Nervous now. LOL didn't call today due to holiday. Will call tomorrow and ask a general question. If they say no then back to the choice of either that I posted. Like I said the brokers I called in Maine couldn't find anything unless I had homeowner's insurance and even then, there was no new stuff written or something they said. Statefarm has coverage but they stopped new policies here or something. They never were able to find me anything. Either of them.

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Nope. They don't have anything. I have Geico for auto and renters (through them and they have nothing they can offer through the renters end either). Called and just asked in general and nothing. They only offer small business commercial vehicle liability so I'm back to figuring out which of the two online, I can get.

I just tried the Chris guy too on the phone. He was very nice. No they don't cover candle making. If I were only wholesaling they had something, but not if you're actually making the candles. Thanks for the number. It was worth a try.

Now, back to my original question. I wonder if I go with either of these two online companies, which is better for what and why? LOL I have to read read read. OMG my head hurts with this one. :(

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Sorry Vio, I didn't realize you needed insurance for candles too! If the Soaper's Guild covers candles too I think I would go with them. You can check out the members there and maybe even contact some on their websites to ask about the insurance.

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I'm leaning toward the soapers guild because they have some neat stuff like lye calcs for specific brands. LOL And I believe from what I'm reading they are less expensive than Indie.

I know people said that Soapers covers candles too. I'm not finding it, but I remember it was on the site. I can't find it right now. Probably right in front of my face. LOL

OH I found it. Here it is.

What products are covered?

Soaps (of course), lotion, bath salts, perfume, essential oils, fragrances, candles, jewelry, clothing, fragrance oils, base oils, waxes, powders, masks, scrubs and just about anything else that is used to beautify the body, the home or the environment and is handcrafted. This list is not a full list, but a representative sampling of the kinds of products covered.

Pet products are covered if they are handcrafted by you. If they are made elsewhere and repackaged by you, or you buy them in bulk and repackage them, they are not covered by this program.

Coffee, tea and other consumables are covered only if they are prepackaged and sold in a set (such as a gift basket) in conjunction with handcrafted items that are covered as above. If they are sold separately, they are not covered.

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Thank you diamondk. :)

I'm 50/50 at this point with my interests in the candles and soap so I do need something with benefits for both. Trying to see which has more bang for the buck with the membership as well as the coverage. I'd guess Indie is pretty big right now, but the package costs about 40 dollars more for membership and inurance. I guess it is because you have more diversity there though, which is great when you think about it. I guess I have to figure out if Indie is worth that extra 40 dollars, with member benefits. Really have to read. Both sites are huge and confusing to me. I'm reading carefully. :)

OK there's some perks for Indie. I'm seeing a good one right now. Member discounts from IBN members. Bramble Berry is one of them.

Yeah I'm going Indie. Thank you. :)

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