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Pouring Candle Table Height

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When we had our shop built, and I was allowed to have my own candle shop at one end (20' x 40') I had the same issue with counters that were too tall. So we built my island at 32" tall and it's perfect! I'm 5'5" tall (just to give you an idea). My island is 4' wide by 10' 6" long.



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For me, I prefer something about belly button height, less strain on my back from leaning sideways to see what I'm doing.

But, I'm tall. Some of you short stuff's would be peering over my countertop, lol. It just depends on your own height, there's no magic number.

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OMG, this is such an issue for me! After even a SHORT time pouring, my back aches so darn bad! I am after my husband to raise mine....and it took me so long to figure this out, duh...:rolleyes2 lol!

Try bed raisers. They have them all over, but work great for tables too!

I'm 5'4", but the containers I fill to the lip since it's single pour. I have to overfill the tealights and votives, hence the added height on my workbench hubby built me.

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I never really thought about this, but I realize I really like to be over what I'm pouring & actually see into the container. That's not too difficult, since I'm 5'10". I pour on a 36" counter. Standing on tile really kills my back, but I borrowed a tip from hairdressers. Have you ever noticed how they have those black cushion pads around the chair? When I'm pouring I stand on one of those garden pads that you can sit or kneel on ... I think I got it at Home Depot. It helps a LOT. If you have a larger area, you could also use a foam pad float from the swimming pool.


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I'm 5'5" and my table is counter-height, 36". I don't notice any strain on my back using this height, and also am not having to bend over to see the amount I have poured. I would recommend this height, provided you are of similar height.

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I'm tall - 5'9" and my worktables (for glass and sculpture work) are 42", 44" and 46" high - a big joke among my more diminutive friends - they all look like "Kilroy was here" peeking over the edge! :) My candle table is a regulation diningroom table and it is a MAJOR PITA. I can hardly wait to get in my candle room and build me a nice HIGH one! I do not like bending over to pour - my hair is always in the way even when it's pulled back; I am right over the containers or molds where I really don't belong; my glasses slide down on my nose; and it hurts my back. DOWN WITH SHORT TABLES!!!:rockon:

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I am also tall...my b/f had made some of those horses out of 2x4's for himself, but I took them over! They were just the right height for me. I put an old cafeteria type table across them, and the edges that stuck out from the horses, I use to hang things on, like towels and whatever. Also the folded up legs of the table hold a roll of paper towels! Worked perfectly...Just right :yay:

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