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air pocket probs

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I've been making and testing candles for a bit now, and this is the first time I've had this happen. I'm using 8oz jj, C3, creme brulee 1oz pp, and the only new thing is, I'm testing with cdn 10. Well after they poured and started setting up, I could tell that they had air pockets. This wasn't my normal, small sink hole. So I waited a bit, poked relief holes, and did a repour. Now mind you, I can see that these filled up when I did the repour. OK, so...three days later, I light one. Within the first few minutes it started tunneling and I had a deep, small melt pool right away. From everything I've read, I did what one would normally do with this problem. I even poked at the bubbles rising from the air pocket after the second pour... Any idea what might have happened here? I'm quite certain the others I poured out of this batch will have the same issue. I had to do a repour on all. I've had the occasional sink hole, the cracks... but never these..

On a different note... I can tell I'll like the cdn's much better than the RRD's, once I get it sized right...

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