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Seeking help from Canada...


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Hi all...

I'm doing a baby shower in March, and am wanting to do M&P for the shower favors. I am having a heck of a time finding decent molds in Canada, I've found a few...but they seem pretty pricey compared to others I've found. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good places?? I've found some great sites in US, and a few on ebay etc. but curious to what is available in Canada. I think my google search engine is broken...lol

Thank you!!

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There are several places:





And there are plenty more than that, however, they are all priced about the same and your best bet is to still order from the states. Depending on how many you order, you could have your molds in the same amount of time as it takes to order from a Canadian supplier (as slow as Canada Post is...lol). If you need some sources who don't ship UPS (as we know the brokerage fees are outrageous), let me know.

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There are several places:





And there are plenty more than that, however, they are all priced about the same and your best bet is to still order from the states. Depending on how many you order, you could have your molds in the same amount of time as it takes to order from a Canadian supplier (as slow as Canada Post is...lol). If you need some sources who don't ship UPS (as we know the brokerage fees are outrageous), let me know.

Thank you Louise. I'm gonna go take a look at those right now. None of those sound familiar, so that's great. Yes, I'm contemplating suppliers due to those very reasons, just trying to seek out some more options. Anything I have found lately just seems ridiculously priced, and I do plan on ordering more then just the baby shower ones, but...also hoping to find something more unique as well. Thank you, going to check them out now!


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Those should keep you busy for a few minutes at least..lol. But as I said, there are plenty of suppliers in the states who will ship USPS. I don't order from anywhere that uses UPS exclusively. I refuse to pay that brokerage fee for them walking my package over the border when the postal system does it basically for free. :P

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Those should keep you busy for a few minutes at least..lol. But as I said, there are plenty of suppliers in the states who will ship USPS. I don't order from anywhere that uses UPS exclusively. I refuse to pay that brokerage fee for them walking my package over the border when the postal system does it basically for free. :P

Wow, thanks...I think my afternoon is jam packed now...lol And yes, I agree...that was why I have been trying to find something here, its a little ridiculous with some places. I'm all about supporting locally, but...I'm more about saving money...LOL Thanks so much!! I'll let you know how I make out!

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