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Huge order on my site question


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At the time my card number was stolen a branch manager for the bank I used to bank at was put in jail for embezzling over $450,000 from people's accounts and cards! However, mine wasn't touched, my info was definitely gotten from that online company I ordered from that had their database hacked into.


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Also sorry for the Ot... but I wanted to clarify...

The reason that I pinpoint Pay Pal as the source for the debit card # hack is this...

I have a varified account, and it comes out of my checking. (I don't use credit cards) I made the mistake of not reading the details of an auction. I looked to make sure they accepted PayPal, but apparently there were special instructions denoting which KIND of PP account the guy accepted. So when I went to pay with my Varified account, it wouldn't go through. I went back to my invoice and then back to the actual auction page and there I seen the details... PP only if it is a 'Confirmed' account. So I go back to PP to see how exactly to do this in order to honor my commitment to pay this guy. It said I could do it with a CC or a bank card. PP had my bank account #... but not my debit card #. Two dif things. So that was cool with me, just add my debit card # and become comfirmed. Well, i'm pretty sure the form to do so required the security code on the back of the card.

It was that SAME DAY that someone posted a $79 transaction to my account, using my card and that 3 digit security #. The seller had been selling for 6 yrs...had good feedback... and I got my item. I'm not saying it WASN'T him, or that it WAS specifically PP... i'm only saying that somewhere with in that transaction is where it went wrong.

Either that, or someone was very quick to memorize or write down not only my card # but also the 3 digit security code on the back... and they knew my addy... and not my zip.

I hope that explains it better. :)

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I also bought something off ebay a week or so ago where they took paypal, yet when I went to pay it said the seller also required a credit card number etc for address verification. !!

This sounded fishy to me....why would they need that, paypal has my address verification. Thats the whole point of paypal, to not have to give out cc info.

This was a power seller, though did not reply to my email when I questioned this.

Anyway, I just went to the send money section on paypal and filled in their email addy and amount and sent it that way.

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I also bought something off ebay a week or so ago where they took paypal, yet when I went to pay it said the seller also required a credit card number etc for address verification. !!

This sounded fishy to me....why would they need that, paypal has my address verification. Thats the whole point of paypal, to not have to give out cc info.

This was a power seller, though did not reply to my email when I questioned this.

Anyway, I just went to the send money section on paypal and filled in their email addy and amount and sent it that way.

How did paypal verify the address you put in the acct was yours? Did they send someone out to your house for coffee and tea? Last I remember PayPal was an strictly internet business. They have to have certain security procedures in place to protect the buyers, selllers and themselves as much as possible against internet fraud (ie, stolen cc,etc).

Blaze- if you clicked on a bad link and got redirected etc there are tons of ways someone could get that cc#. Plus if it was PayPal wouldn't they have your correct zip since you did have items shipped to your house? KWIM

A verified acct does not confirm your address - those are two different things. A credit card/debit card is used to confirm your address because a $1 auth can be run against the card and the bank will send back a yes or no that the address used in the auth is a match AVS, etc. If it is a yes, then the address can be confirmed if the bank says nope...not confirmed.

And for memorizing the card number - I only need to see it for 2-3 secs and I would be good. :tongue2:

BT - I won't accept a ppal payment from an unconfirmed addy unless it is my mom. lol. The reason being is the procedure above. If someone pays me with a stolen cc and I ship the item. Lets say someone stole Blazerinas cc and used it in paypal to buy some candles from me. The addy wasnt confirmed, I send the candles out to the thief and Blazerina sees that charge and pitches a fit. Reports unauthorized charges. The bank takes their money back - I lose the money and my candles (unless the thief becomes honest and send them back - ha!) PayPal wont protect me because they cannot prove that the address it went to belonged to Blaze. However if it is confirmed address and I follow the Seller Protection Policy (to the T - which I follow to the T cause I don't like losing money)- The bank takes their money back and PayPal is out the money not the seller. So that is why quite a few sellers have that confirmed address requirement.

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BT - I won't accept a ppal payment from an unconfirmed addy unless it is my mom. lol. .

I probably didnt explain that properly. I do have a confirmed address. I have bought and sold many things through ebay always using paypal and it just threw me cos I had never seen this before, that the buyer insists you add in all your credit cards details as well. I just didnt want to have to fill in all my cc details when there was money in the paypal account.

No biggie, got my stuff eventually, and wont buy again as they rip off on the shipping charges

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