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How much FO do you put in your Naturewax C3?

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It says it has a listed FO max load of 6% but can take as much as 7-8%
I don't know the "it" to which you refer, but NatureWax states the following in their Handling Sheet for C3:
"The recommended fragrance load for this wax is 6% or less, although a 7 to 10% fragrance loads may be added with the addition of additives to help control the fragrance."

Some folks think "more is better" - I disagree. ;)

I use 1 oz. per pound. Period. For everything. If a FO doesn't give me a good HT at that rate, I move on to the next FO in the ENDLESS list. Since FO is one of the most expensive ingredients in the candle mixture, and one that causes problems with frosting, etc., I keep the amount on the low side and I use the same amount each time regardless of the FO. I care more about the candle's ingredients being consistent than I do "helping" a faded FO along or toning down a strong one... HTH :)

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I'm just starting and I plan on using this rule as well. 1 oz per pound and if not strong throw, move on to next fo. FO is too expensive to be using more of it if it doesn't give off a good basic throw with a basic load.

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