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Arggg!!! My soap won't stay blue. HELP


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I am confused. If my soap morphed, because of what you said - then how come none of my other soaps morphed (that I have made over the years).

I'm sorry, I am not technical and don't understand the lye calculator, ph or anything. I just use an excel pre-made program that tells me how much lye to use in my oils. So, far everything has been great. Its just the blue thats been a booger.

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I'm not saying that is necessarily what happened to your colorant but it could have been. Some colorants (many) are pH dependent. i.e., the color changes with the pH.

pH just tells you how acidic (like vinegar) or basic (like lye) something is. Lye is very very basic. Once you add it to the oils it reacts with them and gets "used up" making the mix less basic as the reaction continues.


By the way, that excel program IS a lye calculator. So you do get it!

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Thanks so much. I see someone posted the information. I will look over it. I hope I get it, because I hear so many people talking about it and I feel stupid.

Don't feel stupid. You are just learning. We all have to start somewhere and you are exactly where we all were when we started. Hang in there and you will get it. And what you don't get, just ask. You don't need to have anyone talk down to you either. You did not deserve that.

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