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Male Newb

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Guest Candelishis

Paper towels - keep lots on hand the cheaper the better. Someone also suggested disposable blue shop towels. I've been meaning to try those.

I'm the one who uses the disposable blue shop towels - they're AWESOME!! It seems like a lot of money to spend on paper towels at first, but you use sooooo many less of them, that it's worth it. I LOVE 'em!!

I stir with plastic spoons, hold wicks with the white sucker sticks (use a tiny rubberband to hold two together), Use pyrex measuring cups as pour pots on small orders, hmm what else? lol. Between all of us, we'll come up with everything I'm sure....

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I'm the one who uses the disposable blue shop towels - they're AWESOME!! It seems like a lot of money to spend on paper towels at first, but you use sooooo many less of them, that it's worth it. I LOVE 'em!!

I buy dollar store hand towels and bath towels, hand towels for wiping up and under my pot, bath towels on the floor and under my molds to catch my spills.

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welcome. I am also male. My wife and I have the labor distribution laid out well. I do what she tells me to do, and she is happly. NO NO NO. That was for her when she reads this post. Actually, she is the creative half of our business (I don't do cute. I did mention that I was Male?). I take care of the production half. She does a better job with colors, FO selection and sales. I do a better job with pouring (too much math involved for her :) ). Anyway, welcome, it's a great hobby.

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Pot Holders - things get a bit warmish when melting wax...I keep these on hand to hold my containers and molds...be sure to use the ones no one is too attached to; the wax splashes on them (just scrape the wax off with a butter knife)

Definitely use an old set of pot holders but heavy duty rubber gloves - the kind you wash dishes with - a must. They help you hands withstand the heat when wiping clean hot metal molds and pouring pots. Also help holding hot mold for pouring. That's if you heat your molds.

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