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Does anyone know...


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Hi all,

OK, all you professionals...I was just wondering if anyone knows of a butter base (premade) thats simular to BBW body butter? My stepdaughter is addicted to this stuff and refuses to use anything else, but it's sooooo expensive. I've done a search and can't come up with anything. I tried KY's soy whip, which is very nice, but it's not even close. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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Oh I wish I had some here...she lives with her mom. I tried looking on the BBW site but can't find any ingredients. I've sent them an email, we'll see if they get back to me soon.

But if this helps, it's very thick, nice and creamy, smooth, a little greasy, and extremely moisturizing. The KY's whip is fluffy, like frosting, this is more like, gee let's see, butter, lol.

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I don't have an answer for you, but you might want to try a search with body butter in the title. I myself started a similar thread just a week or so ago because I am wanting something similar to the body butter that the Body Shop sells.

That said, after all my reading and searching I am totally confused as to what to do! lol

I have not really seen a body butter base, but if you want to try making one, lotion crafter makes a body butter kit:


It sounds a lot like what I'd like to make. However, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the process of it all and all the ingredients!

Hope this, and any subsequent searches help. There are quite a few threads on here about butters. :)

Let us know what you'd try.....I know I'd like to know what you find!



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Thanks Dana, you're right lotioncrafter is overwhelming:undecided . I am trying to avoid multiple ingredients if I can. I've seen a ton of great recipes on here, like Kimberlys' bootylicious(which sounds scrumptous by the way), but I was hoping to find a base that we can through together for her and her friends. I will let you know if I find anything.

(I'm still waiting to see if BBW emails me back also, so I can list the ingredients)

Thanks, Jen

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I emailed Jen at lotion crafter about the kit. :) She said if I can make soap (yes) than I should be able to make the butter lol!

I think like you there might be an easier way but the butter I like is an emulsion, and that is more complicated from what I read than just a whipped butter, etc.

I'm also concerned about the right preservatives, etc.

I'm still on the fence, lol! I think my biggest drawback from just making my own is trying to decided between all the various butters and oils, and it will be expensive to order all of that, even in small quantities.

Ah, decisions decisions!

Anyhow, keep me posted what you end up trying! Thanks for the ideas about the squatty canning jars also!


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