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Questions about cornstarch and baking soda

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Please forgive my ignorance, but the only thing I have ever used these two items for is cooking.

I am wanting to venture into the wonderful world of b&b. Me and my bank account have all of you talented folks that have posted the beautiful pics in the gallery to thank for that.

I am wanting to start with a couple of simple items that don't require water, so I don't thave to worry so much about preservatives until I completely understand them. So I thought I might try bunny's bath melts and maybe some bath bombs, I am going to use family and close friends for Guinea Pigs:naughty:

But I was wondering if the cornstarch and baking soda is food grade or if there is a special cosmetic grade that I should be using or if it even matters. I have done a search and couldn't find anything that addressed that specific question. I also have a few books, but couldn't find anything in there either. Thanks so much.


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Please forgive my ignorance, but the only thing I have ever used these two items for is cooking.

I am wanting to venture into the wonderful world of b&b. Me and my bank account have all of you talented folks that have posted the beautiful pics in the gallery to thank for that.

I am wanting to start with a couple of simple items that don't require water, so I don't thave to worry so much about preservatives until I completely understand them. So I thought I might try bunny's bath melts and maybe some bath bombs, I am going to use family and close friends for Guinea Pigs:naughty:

But I was wondering if the cornstarch and baking soda is food grade or if there is a special cosmetic grade that I should be using or if it even matters. I have done a search and couldn't find anything that addressed that specific question. I also have a few books, but couldn't find anything in there either. Thanks so much. Jennifer

Not sure if it even matters but I use the food grade stuff. It's cheaper for me to get it from a restaurant supplier than buying from the store or online.

You're gonna love Bunny's melts! Soooo easy to make. The original recipe makes a HUGE batch. I still have some left from a batch I made months ago! Someone just posted a scaled down version so you may want to look at that.

HTH & have fun!

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Thank you so much, I'll try not to be a nuisance, but, I'm so excited and am dying to try something.

Since I really don't know enough about most of the ingredients that go into soaping and the major b&b products, I figure it'll be a long time before I try some of that stuff. I'll simply go mad if I have to wait that long to make anything.LOL

Well, I'm off to check out millersoaps now.


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Thank you so much, I'll try not to be a nuisance, but, I'm so excited and am dying to try something.

Since I really don't know enough about most of the ingredients that go into soaping and the major b&b products, I figure it'll be a long time before I try some of that stuff. I'll simply go mad if I have to wait that long to make anything.LOL

Well, I'm off to check out millersoaps now.


HAH! That's what you think :laugh2: Something this addictive should be illegal!

I started w/ M&P, got the body butter bug, and all hell broke lose after that!

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Oh, Darling HomeTownCandles, welcome to the Addiction! I started with a sugar scrub and it has grown exponentially since then to include salt scrubs, bath melts, milk baths, bath fizzies, and small soy candles. And I'm now running out of room in the Cupboard Under the Stairs. I only do M&P soap at home (cats who are very very nosy and no kitchen door don't mix well with lye) but when I go to my daughter's house we do CP soap.

Yee hah--we got another one!! :D

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I think I'm more excited about this than when I first started with soy candles. Don't get me wrong, I love making candles, but after a while unless you try the different types, pillars, votives, etc. it's just the same old same old.

But with b&b oh my! I am hoplessly addicted and haven't even started. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, posting such beautiful stuff to tease all of us wanna-be's.

Besides, I feel that I could do better in my area with b&b, there is another girl that does the candles and she does a beautiful job with them. We are usually at the same shows, she sells way more than I do, but she's been in it for almost 8 years now, so she has much more experience than I do. But if I focus mainly on b&b and do my candles as a sideline, then we can both do well at shows and not cancel each other out as much.

There really hasn't been much to offer in the way of b&b at the couple of shows that I have done. A couple of people have had lots of odds and ends and have included a little b&b but nothing to write home about.

So watch out DH, momma has a brand new addiction and I need lots and lots of cash>:D Can anyone say income tax refund.

Ok, I just spent $75 on butter, oil, citric acid, and f/o's. My addiction has officially started.

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Hello, my name is Michelle and I'm a B&B addict, too. Hometown -- I know what you mean! I started to do B& (lotions and lip balm) earlier this year and I love it so much! I have been ignoring my candles to the point that I had to rush to make up stock for the holiday season. :o

I think my running total is past $500 at this point and there's no stopping it now! LOL! Welcome to the party.

BTW -- your original question.... I use Dry-Flo (refined cornstarch) but regular food grade baking soda.

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Hello, my name is Michelle and I'm a B&B addict, too. Hometown -- I know what you mean! I started to do B& (lotions and lip balm) earlier this year and I love it so much! I have been ignoring my candles to the point that I had to rush to make up stock for the holiday season. :o

I think my running total is past $500 at this point and there's no stopping it now! LOL! Welcome to the party.

BTW -- your original question.... I use Dry-Flo (refined cornstarch) but regular food grade baking soda.

LOL, I did the same thing, I started with M&P and then got the bug for body butters, lotions and anything else I could do until the Mineral Makeup bug got me........ now everything else is on hold while I keep creating more and more Eye Shadow colors and I don't even want to say how much $$$ I've spent lately!!!

Yes, these gals should be ashamed of themselves posting all the beautiful stuff they make......

I'm still fighting the Soap bug, lye scares me :tongue2:

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I know it's the busy season for suppliers, but I am so anxious to try the bath melts and bath bombs, I can hardly wait for my supplies to arrive from flicker's and brambleberry. Everytime the fed-ex truck comes down our lane, I stand there with my nose pressed against the window waiting to see if he's coming here. But yet he doesn't. :cry2:

Of course, the site of a grown woman standing with her nose pressed in the window watching him may make him a little uneasy. I guess technically it could be considered stalking. Guess I'd better rethink my strategy.

I know, when he starts down the lane, I'll close the mini-blind and peer through one little slat, yeah that'll work. Honest, I'm not crazy in real life, just in my little b&b world.:D

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Of course, the site of a grown woman standing with her nose pressed in the window watching him may make him a little uneasy. I guess technically it could be considered stalking. Guess I'd better rethink my strategy.

I know for fact you're not the only one who does this :) Don't ask me how I know...

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LOL!!! I was just hovering today to get my box from OT (waiting on FedEx takes forever!) so I could play with lip balms this weekends!! (After I get some other stuff done of course lol). It's been a good week to get so many packages, all of it will be tailored to B&B stuff (shame on me!) Down to about three more boxes to go, I think, I hope. I've run out of room.

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Well, I got an e-mail from brambleberry today. My stuff is scheduled for delivery on the 12th, so I guess I can give the fed-x guy a break. This time anyway.

Kinipela~your secret's safe with me ;) or whomever you may be talking about.

Scented~I think I've long past run out of room, I have so many candle supplies and now I'm adding b&b to it. DH just kinda shudders whenever he sees a new box of goodies sitting on the dining room table.

He got so tired of being overrun with candle stuff in the house, that he had me a workshop put up in the back yard back in the summer. The only problem is I don't have a heating and cooling system to keep a consistent temp, so the only things I can actually store out there are supplies that won't be affected by temp change. So most of my b&b stuff will have to be kept in the house.

I have a feeling I'll be getting an updated heating and cooling system this summer. :cool2:

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