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50# never used before

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I just accidentally ordered 50# of P1 and wanted 50# of C3. So now I have 50# of pillar wax that I have never used before. Could anyone tell me can I use this wax to make the rustic pillars? And what additives should I add I searched the site for this wax and did not find anything. Thank you

This site is really great, so many helpful people out there it is really wonderful I called the company I order my wax from and they know nothing!! so this site is a real life saver!

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Please download the handling sheet for this wax from the NatureWax website FIRST... (you have to fill out the form to get the download).

I searched the site for this wax and did not find anything.

I searched for P1 and came up with 18 pages of posts! Try again.

Rustic pillars are usually made with paraffin. That's not to say you can't get similar results with soy, but you don't take the same path to get there. There are issues with vegetable waxes that do not exist with paraffin, such as pouring into cold molds, etc.

Good luck! :D

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Don't feel bad Cherry! i was on this board lurking for months and when I got brave enough to "speak up"(post ?'s)ppl told me to do a search..I am like where?:o I looked and looked and finally I figured it out! Then I got a pm(private message) it was in there for 3 weeks before noticed it!:o So...what I am saying is we have all been there!!! LOL! Just ask if you don't know how to do something like that! If you already do...Yayy! You were quicker than me! LOL! Good luck w/the wax situation!:wink2:


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Silly me I used the search engine at the top of the page that was google took me a while to find the right one. kinda slow with that kinda thing thanks for your support I know I need all the help I can get. Still don't know what the heck to do with this wax. I did not think it was what I ordered but the company it came from said It was the one I picked. They said I could send it back and they would send me the C3 but I would have to pay shipping again only 34$!!!!!!! So just trying to find an upside to it. Guess I will figure something out :tongue2:

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P1 is mighty tempermental stuff. There is a thread where Tim from NatureWax addresses some of its issues.


Mixing in some C3 might make it suitable for votives, but read up on it before trying this. HTH :D

PS Don't feel bad - I couldn't understand why a batch of containers I poured were so hard and giving me a tough time... RIGHT BEFORE I picked up the phone to complain to my supplier, I happened to read the invoice which said I had bought V1 (their votive blend). I checked the box and sure enough, it said V1 clearly on the label! I had had a brain fart when ordering! Stuff happens, right? :embarasse At least I discovered this before the supplier pointed out my brain lapse...:tongue2:

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