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Soy wax smell...after burning

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Have any of you noticed that before you burn a new candle the smell will be good..and once you have burned it..in some candles the candle has a almost burnt tire smell?

Of some kind of weird smell...This is not in all candles, really just very few, but when it is there you really notice it...but once you start burning it again, you don't smell it..:o I hope I am not the crazy one here:D

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that could be..but I use the same brand of wicks for all my different FO's

I was thinking it could be a certain chemical in the FO maybe??

Because very few are that way..what is odd ...when you reburn it,,you do not smell it..just when it has cooled down...but I does not make for a very good sniffer, for someone to smell...lol

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Are you using straight soy? When I used strictly soy (no blend) there was one FO particularly that would smell horrid when it was burning. It had a bad chemical, fuel smell. Oddly, before it was burned, it was one of my favorite FO's because I mainly used it in tarts prior to candles....and I used a different wax for tarts. So, bottom line...it might be your container wax combined with the FO. They may not like eachother.

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I think I know what you mean. I have always thought it was just me. You describe a burning tire smell sort of. I would say it reminds me most of that smell when we had to clean the old cream separator after it had been sitting all day and the butterfat was going rancid and reacting with the metals. I suppose most people here dont even know what a cream separator looks like.

Personally I smell it more when its burning. The FO is definitely noticeable but its not covering the other smell. In brand new unburned ones, not at all. Possibly because of the curing and the FO being on the surface of the candle.

I guess everybody's smeller is different, sensitive to different things. Not better or worse, just different.

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