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Why does my wick fall over in soy container candle?

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What type of wicks are you using? How long are you burning the candle? What is your melt pool? Are you trimming the wick to 1/4 inch prior to burning?

Pre-tabbed wicks are primed with a higher melt point wax so when a candle is poured it doesn't melt the wax off the wick and the wick can stand up better while the candle sets up. This isn't always the case though. I use a wick centering tool and clothespin to hold mine tight while it is setting up. Wicks like CD's, tend to curl a little. Are you referring to the curl or does it literally not stand up in the wax?

The melt pool should be around 1/4 inch. With such a small melt pool, there really isn't room for the wick to "fall over".

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I agree- if you aren't using wick tabs and some sort of glue or wick stickem, start... at least use wick tabs and super glue them to the bottom... And use popsicle sticks to keep them straight- which involves drilling holes in the stick, or use the wick bars sold on many different sites. They won't fall then.

Hopefully that helped!


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Ok I'm sure I missed reading something, but i put together my container candles in soy, then when they are used, the wax of course all melts

People will need to know container type / size and wick size to establish the problem.

Do you really mean all the wax melts? I'm not sure how that can happen, do you have a really shallow container and a huge wick?

Often when testing I don't stick wicks to containers and even then the wick doesn't move until it gets very near the bottom and the sustainer starts floating about in the last of the melted wax.

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